Which of the following statements accurately describes an effect of the tonkin gulf resolution?

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What was the idea behind the New Frontier according to John F. Kennedy?
a. Eisenhower had already served as a trailblazer and set most of Kennedy's proposed policies in motion in such a way that Kennedy felt they were America's for the taking.
b. The term called to mind pioneer times in America and, thus, encapsulated Kennedy's strong preference for domestic over foreign issues and reluctance to become very involved abroad.
c. The metaphor lent itself to Kennedy's intentions for America to explore science and space, embark on issues of poverty and surplus, and be more aggressive in waging the cold war than Eisenhower.
d. The United States, Kennedy believed, was destined to finally become a transcontinental power that would soon pursue colonialism on the world stage, especially in Latin America and Africa.
e. The old frontier of the cold war had been conquered and, in its place, a new set of issues for Kennedy to tackle during his presidency had emerged, such as the war on discrimination at home.

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