Which of the following statements regarding the changing communications landscape is correct?

7.Which of the following statements regarding the changing communicationslandscape is correct?8.Which of the following statements is correct regarding the use of advertising as a

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9.Which promotional tool is best suited to deliver a personalized and immediatemessage to a specific customer or customer community?

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10. Generally, _________ is a company's most expensive promotional tool

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11. Companies who primarily direct their promotional activities to channel members areusing a(n) ______ strategy.

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12. What is the goal of a pull strategy?

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13. One reason integrated marketing communications is necessary is __________.

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14. Which advertising objective is used heavily when introducing a new productcategory?

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Which of the following is true of marketing strategies that are being developed in the new marketing communications model quizlet?

Which of the following is true of marketing strategies that are being developed in the new marketing communications model? They are more targeted, social, and engaging.

Which element of the promotional mix is the most effective in building up buyers preferences convictions and actions?

Personal Selling: Effective at building buyers preferences, convictions and actions. Cost per person is high, most expensive promotional tool.

What is the goal of integrated marketing communications?

The goal of integrated marketing communications is to ensure that customers receive the same message when they interact with a company's brand in various ways.

Which promotional tool is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas goods or services by an identified sponsor?

Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Advertising is paid, nonpersonal communication through various media by business firms, nonprofit organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in the advertising message.