Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

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    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Myers' Psychology for AP

    2nd EditionDavid G Myers

    900 solutions

    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, Being

    13th EditionMichael R Solomon

    449 solutions

    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

    3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

    955 solutions

    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Social Psychology

    10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson

    525 solutions

    Recommended textbook solutions

    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Social Psychology

    10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

    525 solutions

    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology

    7th EditionJames Fitzsimmons, Mona Fitzsimmons

    103 solutions

    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

    12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

    1,698 solutions

    Which of the following was a consequence of the No Child Left Behind Act quizlet?

    Operations Management

    13th EditionWilliam Stevenson

    980 solutions

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    1. Social Science
    2. Political Science
    3. Public Policy

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    Terms in this set (31)

    The intentional course of action followed by government in dealing with problems or matters of concern is called

    public policy

    According to the text, why is the future of Social Security in jeopardy?
    I. People are living longer.
    II. Americans are having more children than they once did.
    III. Baby boomers are retiring en masse.
    IV. The cost of living is increasing, and the Social Security Trust Fund is not growing at the same rate.

    I, III, IV

    Because energy and environmental policies are so critical to the nation, a Cabinet-level department called the ____________ was established.

    Dept of Energy

    _____________________ are the largest source of policy decisions made by the federal government.

    Federal Rules

    An American who is over the age of 65 would rely on which part of Medicare for hospitalization coverage?

    Medicare part A

    One of the most significant pieces of environmental legislation up to that point in American history was the ______ Act, passed in 1970.

    Clean Air

    According to ________ theory, the chosen few make all important decisions in society.


    When did federal involvement in health care policy first begin?


    Imagine you are an avid opponent of school vouchers. Which of the following is likely going to be an argument you would use?

    Why is it fair to deprive failing schools of the money they need to make improvements?

    Economist Milton Friedman advocated for

    the privatization of primary and secondary education.

    Social Security was created in the


    The largest national health insurance program in the United States is


    Which of the following consumes the MOST energy in the United States?

    Coal-burning plants power cities and towns.

    The changing list of issues that officials believe they should address is called the

    governmental agenda

    Which of the following was NOT a piece of environmental legislation passed in the 1970s?

    Nature Conservation Act

    North Carolina is spending most of their higher education federal stimulus dollars on

    offsetting deep budget deficits.

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that separate educational facilities for black and white students were inherently unequal in the landmark case of

    Brown v. Board of Education.

    Choose the answer that correctly places the following components of the policy-making process in the correct order.
    I. Policy evaluation
    II. Agenda setting
    III. Policy adoption
    IV. Budgeting

    II, III, IV, I

    Mandates that certain amounts of electricity must come from alternative sources are known as

    Renewable Portfolio Standards.

    Why are some provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) so controversial?
    I. Teachers are saying they are forced to "teach to the test."
    II. Other areas, such as civics, art, and music, are not required by the act.
    III. Critical thinking, socialization, and analysis, all critical components of education, are not measured by NCLB-approved tests.
    IV. State and local governments are given less leeway in addressing specific local needs.

    I, II, III, IV

    The set of educational reforms signed into law in 2002 is the ____________ Act.

    No Child Left Behind

    The highest percentage of imported oil in the United States comes from


    No Child Left Behind
    I. was supported by Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA).
    II. employs high standards and measurable goals to evaluate American education.
    III. was signed into law by President George W. Bush.
    IV. expired in 2010.

    I, II, III

    If you donate money to the Sierra Club, your contribution is tax-deductible. This tactic used by the government to encourage the public to support environmental policies is a/an ________ technique.


    A set of problems to which policy makers believe they should be attentive is called

    an agenda

    The health care system in America
    I. is a problem exacerbated by citizens significantly unhealthier than many people in other developed nations.
    II. has become a purely socialized system.
    III. dwarfs other developed nations in terms of costs.
    IV. is similar in quality and costs to places such as Canada and the United Kingdom.

    I and III

    The crafting of appropriate and acceptable proposed courses of action to ameliorate or resolve public problems is called

    policy formulation

    Which of the following is MOST likely the primary reason that President Ronald Reagan sought to undo legislative actions that protected the environment?

    He did not believe the federal government should play a role in protecting the environment.

    In the 1990s, the Centers for Disease Control used a "Don't Be a Butthead" campaign to discourage youth smoking. The implementation technique used here is _______.


    With regard to the No Child Left Behind Act, President Barack Obama

    appears to be opposed to some of its provisions.

    In April 2010, the Gulf Coast of the United States experienced a tremendous disruption to its ecosystem when an offshore drilling well leased by the oil company ________________ exploded.

    British Petroleum (BP)

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