Which one of the following is an assumption made when using a two sample test of means with equal population standard deviations?

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Which one of the following is an assumption made when using a two sample test of means with equal population standard deviations?

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Which one of the following is an assumption made when using a two sample test of means with equal population standard deviations?

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Which one of the following is an assumption made when using a two sample test of means with equal population standard deviations?

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Which one of the following is an assumption made when using a two sample test of means with equal population standard deviations?

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What assumptions are required to use the two sample test of means?

Data values must be independent. Measurements for one observation do not affect measurements for any other observation. Data in each group must be obtained via a random sample from the population. Data in each group are normally distributed.

What is the test statistic used for a test of two equal variances?

An F-test (Snedecor and Cochran, 1983) is used to test if the variances of two populations are equal. This test can be a two-tailed test or a one-tailed test. The two-tailed version tests against the alternative that the variances are not equal.

What does a 2 sample t

The two-sample t-test (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989) is used to determine if two population means are equal. A common application is to test if a new process or treatment is superior to a current process or treatment. There are several variations on this test. The data may either be paired or not paired.

Which of the following tests compares the mean of a sample to a known population mean?

The One Sample t Test is commonly used to test the following: Statistical difference between a mean and a known or hypothesized value of the mean in the population.