Which position is necessary to demonstrate the zygapophyseal joints of the cervical spine?


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Which position is necessary to demonstrate the zygapophyseal joints of the cervical spine?

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Cervical & Thoracic Spine

How many bones are found in the cervical spine? 7
How many bones are found in the Thoracic spine? 12
How many bones are found in the Lumbar spine? 5
How many bones are found in the Sacrum? 1
How many bones are found in the Coccyx? 1
Total number of bones in the normal adult spine? 26
what are the two primary or posterior convex curves seen in the vertebral column? Sacral & Thoracic
Which two portions of the vertebral column are classified as secondary or compensatory curves? Cervical & Lumbar
Which portion(s) or the vertebra have a convex curve? Thoracic spine & Sacrum
Which portion(s) of the vertebra have a concave curve? Cervical Spine & Lumbar Spine
Which aspects of the vertebral column are referred to as a secondary curved? Cervical & Lumbar spine
Which aspects of the vertebral column are referred to as a primary curve? Thoracic Spine & Sacrum
Which curve develops as a child learns to hold it's head erect? Cervical
Another name for an abnormal, or exaggerated "Sway Back" lumbar cuvature Lordosis
Another name for an abnormal lateral curvature seen in the thoracolumbar spine Scoliosis
What are the two main parts of a typical vertebra? Body & Vertebral arch
What is the name of the two bony aspects of the vertebral arch that extend posteriorly from each pedicale to join at the midline? Lamina
The two small notches on the superior and inferior aspects of the pedicles create the... Intervertebral Foramina
The opening, or passageway, for the spinal cord... Vertebral canal
The spinal cord begins at the.... Medula Oblongata
The spinal cord ends at.... Lower border of L1
What is the name of the tapered ending of the spinal cord? Conus Medullaris
Which structures pass through the intervertebral foramina? Spinal nerves & Blood Vessels
What is the name of the joint found between the superior and inferior articular processes? Zygapophyseal Joint
True or False: Only T1,T11 and T12 have full facets for articulation with ribs. TRUE
The outer aspect of the intervertebral disk Annulus Fibrosus
The inner aspect of the intervertebral disk Nucleus Pulposus
Another name for C1 Atlas
Another name for C2 Axis
Another name for C7 Vertebral prominens
The 3 features that make the cervical spine unique Transverse Foramina, Bifid Spinous process & overlapping of the vertebral bodies
What is the short column of bone found between the superior and articular processes in a typical cervical vertebra? Articular Pillar
What is the short column of bone found between the superior and articular processes in the C1 vertebra? Lateral Mass
What is the angle of the zygapophyseal joints for the 2nd-7th vertebra to the midsagittal plane? 90 degrees
What is the angle of zygapophyseal joints of the thoracic vertebra to the midsagittal plane? 70-75 degrees
What is the name of the joint found between the superior articular processes of C1 and the occipital condyles of the skull? Atlanto-occipital articulation
What is the name of the modified body of C2? Dens or Odontoid process
What is the unique feature of all thoracic vertebra that distinguishes them from other vertebra? Presence of faucets for articulation
Which specific thoracic vertebra are classified as typical thoracic vertebra? T5 to T8
At what level is the topographical landmark referred to as the Gonion located" C3
At what level is the Xiphoid Process located? T10
At what level is the Thyroid Cartilage located? C4-C5
At what level is the jugular notch located? T2-3
At what level is the sternal angle located? T4-5
At what level is the mastiod tip located? C1
At what level is the vertebral prominens located? C7-T1
Which two landmarks must be aligned for an AP "open mouth" projections? Lower margin of the upper incisors & base of skull
What is the purpose of the 15-20 angle for the AP axial projection of the cervical spine? open intervertebral disks spaces
What are two important benefits of an SID longer than 40-44" for the lateral cervical spine projection? Makes up for increased OID & reduces imposition of shoulders at C7
What central ray angulation must be used with a posterior oblique projection of the cervical spine? 15 degrees cephalic
Which foramina are demonstrated with a left posterior oblique position(LPO) or the cervical spine? Right intervertebral foramina
Which foramina are demonstrated with a left anterior oblique (LAO) postion of the cervical spine? Left intervertebral foramina
In addition to extending the chin, which additional postioning technique can be performed to ensure that the mandible is not superimposed over the upper cervical vertebra for the oblique projections? Rotate skull to almost lateral
What is the recommended SID for a lateral projection of the C spine? 60-72"
What is the reccomended respiration technique for the lateral C spine? Expiration
What is the proper name of the method performing the cervicothoracic (swimmer's Lateral) projection? Twining Method
Where should the central ray be placed for a cervicothoracic (swimmer's lateral) projection? T1-1" above the jugular notch
Which region of the spine must be demonstrated with the swimmer's projection? C4-T3
Which projections are considered a functional study of the cervical spine? Hyperextension and Hyperflexion lateral positions
Which AP projection of the cervical spine demonstrates the entire upper cervical spine with one single projection? Ottonello method
What is the purpose of using a breathing technique for a lateral projection of the thoracic spine? Obscure detail of thoracic vertebra & blur out lung and rib markings
What structure is best demonstrated with the AP axial vertebral arch projection? Articular Pillar (lateral masses) of cervical spine
What central ray angle must be used with the AP Axial-vertebral arch projection? 20-30 degrees caudad
Which skull positioning line is aligned perpendicular to the IR for a PA (Judd) projection for the odontoid process? Mentomeatal line (MML)
How much rotaion of the body is required for an oblique postion of the thoracic spine from a true lateral position? 20 degrees from lateral
Which zygapophyseal joints are demonstrated in a right anterior oblique (RAO) projection of the thoracic spine? Right
Which Zygapophyseal joints are best demonstrated with LPO postion of the thoracic spine? Right
How many segments make up the sacrum in the neonate? 5
What is the name of an abnormal or exaggerated thoracic spinal curvature with increased convexity? Kyposis
What is angle of the intervertebral foramina for the cervical spine to the midsagittal plane? 45 degrees
Which ligament holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1? Transverse Atlantal Ligament
What is the name of the large joint space between C1 and C2? Zygapophyseal joint
What is the name of the 2 partial facets found on the thoracic vertebra? Demi Facets
Which thoracic vertebr do not possess a facet for the costotransverse joint? T11 & T12
Which postion of the thoracic spine best demonstrates the intervertebral foramina? Lateral
Which position of the cervical spine best demonstrates the zygapophyseal joints between C3-C7? Lateral
Which specific joint spaces are visualized with a left anterior oblique (LAO) projection of the thoracic spine? Left Zygopaphyseal joint
Which two things can be done to minimize the effects of scatter radiation on lateral projections of the thoracic and lumbar spine? Lead mat behind patient & close side collimation
Which projection best demonstrates the zygapophyseal joints between C1 & C2? AP open mouth
What is the central ray angulation for an AP axial projection of the cervical spine? 15-20 degrees cephalic
What is the central ray angulation for an anterior oblique projection of the cervical spine? 15 degrees caudal
What is the central ray angulation for a posterior oblique projection of the cervical spine? 15 degrees cephalic
Which projection of the cervical spine demonstrates the left intervertebral foramen? Left Anterior oblique (LAO)
In addition to using a long SID, what are two postioning maneuvers you can use to lower the shoulders enough to visualize C7 for a lateral projection of the cervical spine? hold 5-10 lbs in each hand or suspend respiration on expiration
What are the 2 projections that place the dens in the center of the foramen magnum? PA Judd method & AP Fuchs Method
Which cervical vertebra may demonstrate a "cervical rib"? C7

Which view demonstrates the cervical zygapophyseal joints?

Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Joints and Foramina Positioning.

How is the patient positioned to demonstrate the left zygapophyseal joints of the cervical vertebrae?

The correct answer is (C). The posterior oblique positions (LPO and RPO) of the lumbar vertebrae demonstrate the zygapophyseal joints closer to the IR. The left zygapophyseal joints are demonstrated in the LPO position, whereas the right zygapophyseal joints are demonstrated in the RPO position.

Which position or projection of the cervical spine will best demonstrate the Zygapophyseal joint spaces between C1 and C2?

Cervical & Thoracic Spine.

Which position or projection of the cervical spine will best demonstrate the Zygapophyseal joint spaces between C1 and C2 quizlet?

The PA projection (Judd method) is intended to demonstrate the zygapophyseal joint between C1 and C2. The posterior cervical oblique projections demonstrate the intervertebral foramina and pedicles on the side closest to the image receptor.