Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate

1. Understanding Persuasion in a Social and Mobile Age

Contemporary businesses have embraced leaner corporate hierarchies, simultaneously relying on

teams, eliminating division walls, and blurring the lines of authority. As teams and managers are

abandoning the traditional command structure, excellent persuasive skills are becoming ever more

important at work.

To be persuasive, you must be respectful and?

Select One





The most striking developments, summarized in this section, are less than three decades old.

Check all that apply

How has persuasion changed in the digital age? Check all that apply.

Persuasion is more complex and impersonal

Persuasive techniques are more subtle and misleading

Persuasive messages are slow to engage audiences

Persuasive messages are targeted to very specific audiences

All businesses are in the persuasion business

While delivery channels have changed, the principles of effective persuasion have not.

Select the persuasion technique that is indicated by each of the following actions.

Using others’ expert opinion and research to support your position.


Convert audience benefits into specific facts.

Make reasonable requests

Establish credibility

Helping the audience see the negative outcomes if they don’t agree.

Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate

Make reasonable and specific requests

Share solutions and compromise

Tie facts to benefits

Recognize the power of loss

Today, persuasive techniques are subtle, and sometimes misleading.

Select the best choice.

Today’s persuasive techniques are more effective when they use?

Select One


hard sell techniques



2. Planning and Writing Persuasive Requests

In a business environment, persuasion is critical to success. Persuasion is necessary when you

anticipate resistance or when you must prepare to present your ideas effectively.

Which of the following are elements of effective persuasion? Check all that apply.

Uses facts, statistics, expert opinions, and examples

Includes an easy excuse

Establishes credibility

Focuses on direct and indirect benefits to readers

Engenders mistrust

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate answer.

Persuasive requests are generally more effective when they use?

Select One

an indirect strategy

a direct strategy

unethical coercion

Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate

Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate

Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate

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1. Understanding Persuasion in a Social and Mobile Age Contemporary businesses have embraced leaner corporate hierarchies, simultaneously relying on teams, eliminating division walls, and blurring the lines of authority. As teams and managers are abandoning the traditional command structure, excellent persuasive skills are becoming ever more important at work. To be persuasive, you must be respectful and? Select One commanding authoritative blunt authentic The most striking developments, summarized in this section, are less than three decades old. Check all that apply How has persuasion changed in the digital age? Check all that apply. Persuasion is more complex and impersonal Persuasive techniques are more subtle and misleading Persuasive messages are slow to engage audiences Persuasive messages are targeted to very specific audiences All businesses are in the persuasion business While delivery channels have changed, the principles of effective persuasion have not. Select the persuasion technique that is indicated by each of the following actions. Using others’ expert opinion and research to support your position. Compromise Convert audience benefits into specific facts. Make reasonable requests Establish credibility Helping the audience see the negative outcomes if they don’t agree. Make reasonable and specific requests Share solutions and compromise Tie facts to benefits Recognize the power of loss Today, persuasive techniques are subtle, and sometimes misleading. ...
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Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate

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Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate

Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate



Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate



Which statement about persuasion in the social and mobile age is most accurate



What is the most accurate statement about persuasion?

What is the most accurate statement about persuasion? Answer Having the ability to persuade is important only at top-level positions.

How has persuasion changed in the digital age quizlet?

How has persuasion changed in the digital age? The volume and reach of persuasive message have explode. Persuasive messages spread at warp speed.

Which statement accurately describes persuasion in the post Trust era?

Which statement accurately describes persuasion in the post-trust era? In the post-trust era, persuasion is becoming increasingly difficult.

Which of the following is the best opening for a persuasive request quizlet?

What is the best advice when developing a persuasive claim or complaint message? Open with a statement of sincere praise, an objective statement of the problem, or a point of agreement. Professional marketers and salespeople follow the AIDA strategy in their sales messages because it is effective.