Which theorist believed bureaucracy was a rational efficient ideal organization based on principles of logic?

Creator and inventor of modern management, author of 'The Practice of Management'  claiming management was on of the social innovations of the 20th century. "Workers should be treated as assets, there's no business without a customer" Decentralization, management by objectives, knowledge workers are directly traceable to this man's work

evidence-based management

translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision-making process, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton put it ________-_______ management is based on the belief that "facing the hard facts about what works and what doesn't, understanding the dangerous half-truths that constitute so much conventional wisdom about management, and rejecting the total nonsense that too often passes for sound advice will help organizations perform better.

Historical & Contemporary

The two overarching perspectives about management are _________ & ________

this perspective includes three viewpoints - classical, behavioral and quantitative

this perspective also includes three viewpoints - systems, contingency, and quality-management

5 reasons for studying theoretical perspectives

(1) understanding the present, (2) guide to action, (3) source of new ideas, (4) clues to meaning of your managers' decisions & (5) clues to meaning of outside events.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

The husband/wife team of industrial engineers who were pioneers to the historical perspecitve.

this viewpoint emphasized finding ways to manage work more efficiently, it consisted of two branches - scientific and administrative. _______ management assumes that people are rational

Pioneered by Taylor & the Gilbreths, _______ management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers.

four principles of scientific management

Frederick W. Taylor was an American Engineer who believed that managers could eliminate soldiering by applying four principles of science: (1) evaluate a task by scientifically studying each part of the task (not use old rule-of-thumb methods), (2) carefully select workers with the right abilities for the task, (3) give workers the training and incentives to do the task with proper work methods & (4) use scientific principles to plan the work methods and ease the way for workers to do their jobs

deliberately working at less than full capacity, this term was phrased by Frederick W. Taylor

This man was known as the 'father of scientific management', he believed 'soldiering' could be eliminated by applying four principles of science.

______ ______ broke down each worker's job into physical motions and then trained workers to use the methods of their best-performing coworkers. Made famous by Frederick W. Taylor.

a system in which more efficient workers earned higher wages, made popular by Frederick W. Taylor

Why Taylorism is important:

the enhancement of productivity by using such innovations as motion studies and differential pay

administrative management

concerned with managing the total organization, among the pioneering theorist of the type of management are Henri Fayol and Max Weber

this man was first to identify the major functions of management (POLC) as well as coordinating

This man claimed a bureaucracy to be rational, efficient, and ideal organization based on principles of logic. "A better-performing organization should have five positiotn bureaucratic features: (1) a well-defined hierachy of authority (2) formal rules and procedures (3) a clear division of labor, with parts of a complex job being handled by specialist (4) impersonality, without reference or connection to a particular person & (5) careers based on merit.

The problem of the Classical Viewpoint:

The problem of the viewpoint is that it is too mechanistic, it tends to view humans as cogs within a machine, not taking into account the importance of human needs, as addressed in behavioral theory.

Classical viewpoint and why it is important:

The essence of the _______ viewpoints was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specialization it was possible to boost productivity.

emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement, this viewpoint developed over three phases (1) early __________, (2) the human relationis movement, and (3) _________ science.

Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo

Early behaviorism was pioneered by these three individuals, H__ M_______, M_____ P_______ F________, & E____ M______

This man was called 'the father of industrial psychology', German-born ____ ________ suggested that psychologist could contribute to industry in three ways: (1) study jobs and determine which people are best suited for specific jobs (2) identify the psychological conditions under which employees do their best work (3) devise managemtn strategies to influence employees to follow management's interest; his ideas led to the field of industrial psychology or the study of human behavior in workplaces

This woman was a social worker and social philosopher, her ideas were (1) organizations should be operated as 'communities' with managers and subordinates working together in harmony (2) conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences (3) the work process should be under the control of workers with the relevant knowledge. These ideas anticipated some of today's concepts of 'self-managed teams, worker empowerment, and interdepartmental teams'

This man is known for his role in the theory of 'The Hawthorne Effect" or the idea that employees worked harder if they received added attention, if they thought managers cared about their welfare, and if supervisors paid special attention to them.

this movement proposed that better human relations could increase worker productivity, the two theorist who contributed the most to this movement are Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor.

This man is known for his ideology that some needs must be satisfied before others. He is responsible for his famous 'hierarchy of human needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.

This man is known for his famous 'Theory X & Theory Y" Attitudes

Douglas McGregor's theory that represents a pessimistic, negative view of workers. This theory states that workers are considered to be irresponsible, to be resistant to change, to lack ambition, to hate work, and to want to be led rather than to lead. These managers are more likely to micromanage, which leads to employee dissatisfaction

Douglas McGregor's theory that represents the outlook of human relations proponents - an optimistic positive view of workers. Workers are considered to be capable of accepting responsibility, self-direction, ad self-control and of being imaginative and creative.

relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for managers

The application to management of quantitative techniques such as statistics and computer simulations, the two branches of ________ management are management science and operations management.

using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making, sometimes called operations research; ___________ ______ stressess the use of rational, science-based techniques and mathmatical models to improve decision making and strategic planning

Being more efficient: focuses on managing the production and delivery of organization's products or services more effectively. ________ management is concerned with work scheduling, production planning, facilities location and design. Through the rational management of resources and distribution of goods and services, operations management helps ensure that business operations are efficient and effective.

this viewpoint regards the organization as systems of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose

the contingency viewpoint

emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to the individual and environmental situation

quality management viewpoint 

which includes quality control, quality assurance and total quality management deserve to be considered because of the impact of this king of thinking on contemporary management perspective 

a set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose

parts making up the whole system

the four parts of a system

(1) inputs (2) transformation processes (3) outputs (4) feedback

the people, money, information, equipment, and materials required to produce an organization's goods or services

the organization's capabilities in management, internal processes, and technology that are applied to converting inputs and outputs

the products, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction or discontent, and the like that are produced by the organization

this is the type of system that continually interacts with its environment

the type of system has littled interaction with its environment, the classical management viewpoint often considered an organization a closed system

the study of how order and pattern arise from very complicated, apparently chaotic systems. This theory recognizs that all complex systems are networks of many interdependent parts that interact with each other according to certain simple rules

Emphasizes that a manger's approach should vary according to the individual and the environmental situation, "what method is best to use under these particular circumstance?".

This man was the co-founder of the Management Innovation Lab, he viewed management as a 'process', and to make improvements and innovation ongoing and systematic.

(!) is this a belief worth challenging? (2) is this belief universally valid? (3) how does this belief serve the interest of its adherents? (4) have our choices and assumptions conspired to make this belief self-fulfilling?

quality-management viewpoint

includes quality control, quality assurance, and total quality management

refers to the total ability of a product or service to meet customer needs

the strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production, ______ ______ techniques were developed in the 1930s at Bell Telephone Labs by Walter Stewart, who used statistical sampling to locate errors by testing just some of the items in a particular production run

developed in the 1960s, ________ _______  focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for 'zero defects', ________ _______  has been less successful because often employees have no control over the design of the work process

This man believed that quality stemmed from 'constancy of purpose' - steady focus on organization's mission - laong with statistical measurement and reduction of variations in production processes. He is famous for his 85-15 rule, namely, when things go wrong there is an 85% chance that the system is at fault,, only 15% chance the individual worker is at fault, he thought management blamed individuals rather than the systems

Another pioneer with Deming, he defined quality as 'fitness for use', a product or service should satisfy a customer's real needs, best way to focus company efforts was to concentrate on the real needs of customers

a comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction

the four components of TQM

(1) making continuous improvement a priority (2) get every employee involved (3) listen and learn from other customers and employees (4) use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems

when an organization is always alert to how competitors do things better, then try to improve on them

an organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge

creating and acquiring knowledge

acquiring knowledge by constantly scanning their external environments, by not being afraid to hire new talent and expertise when needed, and by devoting significant resources to training and developing their employees

managers actively work at ___________ ____________ reducing barrier to sharing information and ideas among employees

managers encourage employees to use the new knowledge obtained to change their behavior to help further the organization's goals

3 key functions managers should perform in operating and creating a learning organization

(1) build a commitment to learning (2) work to generate ideas with impact, (3) work to generalize ideas with impact

What is Weber's theory of bureaucracy?

The Max Weber Theory of Bureaucracy proposes that all business tasks must be divided among the employees. The basis for the division of tasks should be competencies and functional specializations. In this way, the workers will be well aware of their role and worth in the organization and what is expected of them.

What did Max Weber believe quizlet?

Weber believed that ''rational action'' has triumphed and come to characterise modernity - This is because under capitalism efficiency is the overriding motive because efficiency gives rise to profit (in the industrial world).

Who is Max Weber in management?

Max Weber was a German sociologist who argued bureaucracy was the most efficient and rational model private businesses and public offices could operate in. His bureaucratic theories influenced generations of business leaders and politicians well into the 20th century.

What is bureaucratic theory?

According to the bureaucratic theory of Max Weber, bureaucracy is the basis for the systematic formation of any organisation and is designed to ensure efficiency and economic effectiveness. It is an ideal model for management and its administration to bring an organisation's power structure into focus.