Which would be the best way to persuade your boss to implement a flex-time schedule in your office?

Question 11 / 1 ptsWhich would be the best way to persuade your boss to implement a flex-time schedule in youroffice?Tell the boss how happy it would make you to have the flexibility to accommodate yourpersonal interestsTell the boss that your friend's brother's company is considering a flex-time schedule at its localofficeProvide research that shows that this arrangement is workable and often results inincreased productivityPersuasion involves influencing a recipient to agree with an idea or take action. If you can showyour boss the research that documents increased productivity in the workplace resulting from aflex-time schedule, she might be convinced to implement it. The other choices do less to showyour boss why this idea is a good idea from his or her point of view. While knowing the interestlevel in the office is relevant, if you cannot show your boss that the idea is desirable from his orher perspective, you will find it difficult to convince the boss.Inform the boss about the many leisure activities that employees would be able to engage in ifthe flex-time schedule were implementedGive the boss the names of the employees who would be interested in working a flex-timeschedule

Question 21 / 1 ptsBefore you decide what it is you want to communicate, what should be considered?

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Question 31 / 1 ptsWho is the direct recipient of a message?

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The primary audience is the direct recipient of your message—the person or people to whomyour message is addressed.

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Question 41 / 1 ptsUsing company databases, reports, and in-house experts to conduct research requires using

Which of the following situations would most likely require persuasion within an organization?

Which of the following situations would most likely require persuasion within an organization? Asking employees to accept a pay benefit of stock options to avoid layoffs or plant closings.

Which of the following are elements of nonverbal communication and professional presence?

There are three main elements of nonverbal communication:.
Body Language. Body language is the most obvious form of nonverbal communication, and it can convey much about ourselves and our level of interest. ... .
Eye Contact. ... .
Tone of Voice..

When responding to an ethical scandal what can be done to help rebuild trust?

When responding to an ethical scandal, what can be done to help rebuild trust? Take responsibility for the problem.

Which of the following would encourage the more positive response to a routine message?

Which of the following would encourage the more positive response to a routine message? The manager should chose a face-to-face conversation because doing so might encourage the employee to respond more positively.