Based on the cladogram, which of the following are the traits shared between ferns and pines?

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    Based on the cladogram, which of the following are the traits shared between ferns and pines?

    a. Xylem Only
    b. Seeds and wood only
    c. Embryo and xylem only
    d. embryo, xylem, wood, and seeds only

    c. Embryo and xylem only

    Which of the following questions might scientists ask to most reliably determine if there has ever been life on mars?

    a. How far from Earth was Mars 3.5 billion years ago?
    b. Is there scientific proof that Earth ever had an oxygen-free atmosphere
    c. Did Mars have the elements present in its atmosphere to support life?
    D. Was there oxygen gas on Mars 3.5 billion years ago?

    c. Did Mars have the elements present in its atmosphere to support life?

    Which of the following best describes the importance of the number of amino acid differences indicated in Table 1?

    a. They reflect the different environments where the organisms were captured
    b. They reflect the number of base pair changes in the DNA
    c. They reflect random changes due to translation errors
    d. They reflect the number of oxygen molecules each hemoglobin molecule carries

    b. They reflect the number of base pair changes in the DNA

    The sequencing will provide additional information for answering which of the following questions?

    a. Is species I the common ancestor of species II and III?
    b. Does species I contain the greatest number of vestigial structures?
    c. Are species III and IV the most closely related?
    d. Should the positions of species III and IV be reversed?

    c. Are species III and IV the most closely related?

    Researchers are investigating the evolutionary relationships among organisms found near deep-sea hydrothermal vents and similar organisms found closer to the ocean surface. Which of the following scientific questions is most relevant to the investigation?

    a. What are the nucleotide sequences of ribosomal RNA genes that are found in the genomes of the different species?
    b. What large-scale geological events have occurred recently in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean?
    c. Does water temperature at different ocean depths affect the relative levels of dissolved oxygen?

    a. What are the nucleotide sequences of ribosomal RNA genes that are found in the genomes of the different species?

    A group of students summarized information on five great extinction events. The students are sampling a site in search of fossils from the Devonian period. Based on the chart, which of the following would be the most reasonable plan for the students to follow?

    a. Searching horizontal rock layers in any class or rock and trying yo find those that contain the greatest number of fossils.
    b. Collecting fossils from rock layers deposited prior to the Permian period that contain some early vertebrate bones
    c. Looking in sedimentary layers next to bodies of water in order to find marine fossils of bivalves and trilobites
    d. Using, relative dating techniques to determine the geological ages of the fossils found so they can calculated the rate of speciation of early organisms

    b. Collecting fossils from rock layers deposited prior to the Permian period that contain some early vertebrate bones

    Which of the following rows of data listed in table 1 best supports the possibility of a common ancestor for the organisms listed there?

    a. Vascular Tissue
    b. Seeds enclosed in fruit
    c. Cell wall composed of cellulose
    d. Flagellated sperm cells

    c. Cell wall composed of cellulose

    Which of the following data could best support the claim that species B arose from a speciation event in Lake I?

    a. All of the fish species occupy the same niches in their respective lakes
    b. DNA analysis shows fever differences between species A and species B in lake I than between species B and the populations in Lake II
    c. Species A and species B have similar body shapes due to convergent evolution in their habitats
    d. Individuals of species A from Lake I can mate and produce viable offspring with individuals of species A from Lake II

    b. DNA analysis shows fever differences between species A and species B in lake I than between species B and the populations in Lake II

    Interpretation of the data supports which of the following statements?

    a. Rhesus monkeys are more closely related to rabbits than they are to horses
    b. Horses and cows have identical amino acid sequences than they are to rhesus monkeys
    c. Humans are more closely related to rabbits than they are to rhesus monkeys
    d. Plants and animals have no similarities at all
    e. Mammals are more closely related to reptiles than fish

    e. Mammals are more closely related to reptiles than fish

    Which of the following best predicts how phylogenetic relationships might be revised if transposon 1 was not found in chimpanzees?

    a. Bonbons would be more closely related to humans than to chimpanzees
    b. Chimpanzees would be more closely related to humans than to bonobos
    c. Orangutans would be more closely related to humans than to chimpanzees
    d. Chimpanzees would be more closely related to gibbons than to gorillas

    b. Chimpanzees would be more closely related to humans than to bonobos

    Many scientists claim that the synthesis of the first organic molecules from inorganic precursors was possible because of the highly reducing atmosphere found on primitive Earth.
    Which of the following is an appropriate null hypothesis that could be used when investigating the claim?

    a. The level of atmospheric oxygen on modern Earth is significantly higher than on a primitive Earth
    b. Organic molecules were transported to primitive Earth by a meteorite or celestial Earth
    c. The synthesis of organic molecules from inorganic molecules is possible under current atmospheric oxygen levels as well as those found on primitive Earth
    d. The absence of a significant quantity of atmospheric oxygen is required for the synthesis of organic molecules from inorganic precursors

    c. The synthesis of organic molecules from inorganic molecules is possible under current atmospheric oxygen levels as well as those found on primitive Earth

    The wing of a bat, the flipper of a whale, and the forelimb of a horse appear very different, yet detailed studies reveal the presence of the same basic bone pattern. These structures are examples of

    a. analogous structures
    b. homologous structures
    c. vestigial structures
    d. balanced polymorphism
    e. convergent evolution

    b. homologous structures

    By discharging electric sparks into a laboratory chamber atmosphere that consisted of water vapor, hydrogen gas, methane, and ammonia, Stanley Miller obtained data that showed that a number of organic molecules, including many amino acids, could be synthesized. Miller was attempting to model early Earth conditions as understood in the 1950s. The results of Miller's experiments best support which of the following hypotheses?

    a. The molecules essential to life today did not exist at the time Earth was first formed
    b. The molecules essential to life today could not have been carried to the primordial Earth by a comet or meteorite
    c. The molecules essential to life today could have formed under early Earth conditions
    d. The molecules essential to life today were initially self-replicating proteins that were synthesized approximately four billion years

    c. The molecules essential to life today could have formed under early Earth conditions

    Which of the following proposes the best alternative hypothesis for the claim?

    b. Climate analysis conducted by sampling pollen preserved in amber shows an increase in grass pollen 29 million years ago, which indicates there was an increase in grasslands that correlates to an increase in butterfly speciation during the same time period.

    Which of the following best explains the presence of prolactin in various vertebrate species?

    a. Though all vertebrates produce prolactin, its varied uses indicate it arose as a result of convergent evolution and not as a result of common ancestry
    b. Prolactin is a homologous hormone because it has a common origin but different functions in various species
    c. Prolactin will bind only to intracellular receptors in animal species with phospholipid bilayers, so its effects are varied in different species
    d. Because of different receptors activating different signal transduction pathways within the same species, it is likely that prolactin production is a trait with highly selective pressure.

    b. Prolactin is a homologous hormone because it has a common origin but different functions in various species

    Lobe finned fishes were present in the oceans of the world approximately 400 million years ago. The first tetrapods ( vertebrates that had limbs and could move on land) date to about 365 million years ago. One hypothesis states that early tetrapods evolved from lobed-finned fishes. Which of the following is the best plan for testing the hypothesis?

    a. Determining the number of fins found on the lobe-finned fishes from different geographical locations
    b. Measuring the proportion of radioisotopes found in fossils of early tetrapods
    c. Comparing the arrangements of bones in the fins of lobe-finned fishes and limbs
    d. Sequencing DNA isolated from fossils of lobe-finned fishes to determine the size of the genome

    c. Comparing the arrangements of bones in the fins of lobe-finned fishes and limbs

    Which of the following observations best supports the hypothesis that a large object collided with Earth in a period of time associated with a mass extinction?

    a. A species found only in Australia resembles a species found only in North America
    b. An analysis of radiation reaching Earth from outer space suggests that water might have existed on distant planets
    c. A fossil of an extinct species of mammal is found to have morphological characteristics that are similar to those of a living nocturnal mammal
    d. Iridium, which is common in meteorites but rare on Earth, is found in sedimentary rock that contains the last appearance of many species in the fossil record.

    d. Iridium, which is common in meteorites but rare on Earth, is found in sedimentary rock that contains the last appearance of many species in the fossil record.

    Group IV of the cladogram most likely includes which of the following species?

    a. P and S only
    b. Q and T only
    c. R and W only
    d. U and W only

    P and S only

    Which organism would the researchers most likely predict to be the most distantly related to eukaryotes?

    a. Organism I
    b. Organism II
    c. Organism III
    d. Organism IV

    a. Organism I

    Which of the following best supports a claim that TTX resistance arose independently in T. atratus and T. sirtalis?

    a. The stomach contents in fossils of both species include the remains of food items that contained TTX
    b. Both species of snakes possess the SCN4A gene
    c. The two species of snakes have different genetic mutations in the SCN4A gene
    d. T. atratus and T. sirtalis are sister species that share many of the same morphological features

    c. The two species of snakes have different genetic mutations in the SCN4A gene

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