Explain why it is important for organizations to analyze and understand the external environment

Organizations can use an environmental analysis to uncover both internal and external factors. This could have a beneficial or negative impact on their company. Businesses can identify possible opportunities and challenges by analyzing factors such as the economy and technology.

Several factors come to mind when analyzing what makes a business successful. It’s all about the resources. However, the environment in which the business operates or exists also has a significant impact.

In this article, we look at what environmental scanning is, why it’s useful, how to do one, the analytical process, and the tool’s analysis.

Content Index

  • What is environmental analysis?
  • What are the benefits of environmental analysis?
  • What exactly is the environmental analysis procedure?
  • Tools for Environmental Analysis
  • Environmental Analysis Techniques
  • Conclusion

An environmental analysis is a strategic technique used to identify all internal and external factors that could affect a company’s success. Internal components reveal the strengths and shortcomings of a company, while external components represent the opportunities and risks. This exists outside of the company.

Trends and high-level factors are considered in environmental analysis. Interest rates, for example, and how they may affect a company’s operations. These analyses can help businesses achieve attractiveness in their market.

What are the benefits of environmental analysis?

Environmental evaluations help organizations in detecting potential effects. That could pose a hazard or an opportunity. This assists them in anticipating changes in their environment.

Using environmental scanning has several advantages, including the following:

Explain why it is important for organizations to analyze and understand the external environment

  • Predicting the future
  • Recognizing threats and allowing them to develop a response strategy
  • Assisting in the achievement of business goals
  • Increasing organizational effectiveness

What is the environmental analysis procedure?

The following are the steps in the environmental scanning process:

Determine the effects on the environment

To begin an environmental analysis, select environmental factors evaluating. Your industry determines this. For example, if you work in a medical facility, you might want to think about legal implications. Regulations managing healthcare experience and safety, for example. Choose factors that have the potential to influence how you make deals.

Obtain information

Collect information about your chosen environmental factors once you’ve decided which ones to evaluate. You can observe your factors and conduct research here. There are two types of information to gather: verbal and written data.

Hearing is how people obtain verbal information. As an example, consider listening to a radio broadcast. They obtain written information from sources such as newspapers and magazines. Using the preceding example, this would involve conducting research online and in medical magazines.

It will assist you in determining whether or not there have been any changes to health and safety regulations because this may have an impact on your health care facility.

Consider your competitors

You may want to gather information about your competitors. To see if they pose any threats. You can accomplish this by employing a technique known as spying. This involves unusually gathering information. Using the same example, you could spy on a nearby health facility to learn about recent activity.

Examine your strategies

Finally, evaluate your present and prospective strategies to determine how future environmental changes will impact your organization. This assists you in resolving potential issues.

These factors could have been to blame. For example, the health facility may wish to develop a new strategy. It will clearly show how they aim to deal with the decrease in clients caused by their competitor’s new branch.

Environmental scanning is frequently used to assist businesses.  it is used before launching a new product or service. For example, survey the landscape of competitors, customers, economic conditions, market conditions, and so on. PESTEL is a popular project management tool for performing environmental scanning.

It refers to the factors that are political, economic, social, and technological. The various components of a PESTEL analysis are listed alphabetically below.

  • Political

Political issues refer to the level of government intrusion into an organization’s operations. Primary concerns include taxes, tariffs, regulations, elections, and political stability. For example, different political parties hold divergent viewpoints on raising the minimum wage. Small businesses may be affected by an election.

When one candidate proposes raising the minimum wage, it may impact their product/service prices and ability to retain current employees.

  • Economic

Businesses in the United States first consider the overall health of the American economy. Growth, employment, inflation, and interest rates are just a few examples. Organizations operating outside of the United States will concentrate on exchange rates.

A startup, for example, may assess the current state of the economy to determine whether or not it will be able to survive. The long-term revenue and expenses of a company are affected by economic conditions.

  • Social

Shifts in age, demographic changes, changing attitudes toward safety and health, customer preferences, and technical improvements. All are examples of social challenges. 86 percent of young people, for example, use social media.

As a result, of successful business strategies, millennials are more likely to run promotional ads. Especially on social media platforms.

  • Technology

The technology involves research and development, robotics, automation, and any other type of technological advancement. New technologies are referred to as “technological disruption.” It has the ability to dramatically change the cast of leading competitors.

For example, the popularity of Facebook was a technological challenge for Myspace. It was once the most popular social media network in the early 2000s.

  • Environmental

Climate change, weather, air quality, and natural disasters are examples of environmental factors. Changes in the environment threaten some industries more than others.

Farmers, for example, could watch the Weather Channel or read the Farmer’s Almanac. Because pesticide treatment, irrigation schedule, planting dates, and fungicide application are all affected by the weather.

  • Legal

Legal factors involve employment, health, and safety policies. Customer safety and discrimination laws can also have an impact on a company’s capacity to operate. Congress, for example, passed the Dodd-Frank Act in 2009. Following the Great Recession, banks were subjected to strict requirements to protect customers.

Environmental Analysis Techniques

Environmental analysis techniques can be used by a corporation in a variety of ways. But some are more frequent. The PESTLE study is the most widely used tool for doing a complete environmental analysis of a business or even an industry.

Explain why it is important for organizations to analyze and understand the external environment

  • PESTLE Analysis

This is essentially a bird’s eye view of corporate behavior. Because we take a broad look at some macro issues that have a significant impact on the health of a particular business or industry, this study is used by managers and strategists to determine where their market is right now. It also assists in evaluating the company’s future position.

The PESTLE study considers several factors that have an impact on the business environment. It is a macroeconomic instrument that is used to understand the external environment of a more extensive environmental analysis. Each letter in the acronym represents a different component. These factors can have a direct or indirect impact on any sector or organization.

  • SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats, in case you didn’t know. These four factors are utilized to determine where a company stands regarding strategy.

These four elements are divided into two groups. We must talk about them a little bit so that we can see how they can assist us to conduct an environmental study.

    • Internal Factors

Internal factors in this type of environmental analysis are strengths and weaknesses. Because they can be affected and even controlled by the organization, they are referred to as internal analysis. If a corporation has a firm brand name.

This is a strength because it was made possible by the organization’s efficient use of resources. As a result, this is an internally generated element that highlights one of the causes of the company’s success.

    • External Factors

External considerations in this type of environmental assessment include threats and opportunities. They cannot be controlled in any way by the company, unlike the elements listed above. In fact, these circumstances frequently occur on their own.

Competition is a concern to all businesses since it is impossible to eliminate it. As a result, external factors function in this manner.

Now that you know how to do a SWOT analysis, you can include your findings in your environmental study. Strengths may be enhanced, weaknesses can be eliminated by taking advantage of opportunities when they arise, and threats can be minimized by remaining vigilant.


Revenue, profitability, and company success are all examined in depth in the analysis. An environmental analysis can help you make the best decisions for your company. The type of environmental scanning you should perform is determined by the nature of your business.

QuestionPro can provide you with the tools you need to complete your projects. We can help you with environmental scanning with real-time data.

Why is it important for organizations to analyze and understand the external environment?

Analyzing your company's external environment is a critical step in preparing a strategic plan. This is a complex task because it involves collecting a variety of data to get an accurate picture of the situation. Based on this analysis, the company can then make sound decisions to further its growth.

What are the purposes of analyzing external environment?

The purpose of analysis of external environment is to identify opportunities and threats. The external environment of an organization comprises all entities that exists outside the boundaries, but have significant influence over its growth and survival.

Why is it important to Analyse the business environment?

Analysis of business environment helps to identify strength weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is necessary for the survival and growth of every business enterprise.