Profits drop during the growth stage of the plc because per customer promotion costs are high.

According to the text, the most successful new products satisfy three criteria. What are these criteria?

A.They solve a major customer problem, are differentiated, and are priced low.
B.They appeal to a wide variety of consumers, are priced low, and can be mass marketed.
C.They are something that has never been seen before, are priced low, and are offered on a limited basis.
D.They are differentiated, copy successful competitor products, and are priced low.
E.They solve a major customer problem, are differentiated, and offer a compelling value proposition.

Companies should take a holistic approach to new product development. This means that the process should be __________.

A.customer-centered, team-based, and systematic
B.compartmentalized, sequential, and company-centered
C.customer-centered, team-based, and haphazard
D.compartmentalized, team-based, and company-centered
E.customer-centered, compartmentalized, and systematic

At what stage of the PLC product life cycle can a higher price usually be charged?

Start low increase later. Price skimming – keeping the price high initially if the product is unique and the company can charge a high price for it.

In which of the product life cycle PLC stage the sales figures are low cost is high and profits are negative?

Decline Stage. The decline stage is the last stage of the life cycle. Characteristics of the decline stage include: Sales and profits decline.

What is growth stage in product life cycle?

Growth. During the growth stage, consumers have accepted the product in the market and customers are beginning to truly buy in. That means demand and profits are growing, hopefully at a steadily rapid pace. The growth stage is when the market for the product is expanding and competition begins developing.

What is the stage when sales of a product tend to fall?

In the decline stage, product sales drop significantly, and consumer behavior changes, as there is less demand for the product. The company's product loses more and more market share, and competition tends to cause sales to deteriorate.