Travis observes that one of his employees always refuses to look him in the eye

STATE STANDARDS:United States - AK - DISC: Individual DynamicsTOPICS:Perception and Individual BehaviorKEYWORDS:Bloom's: KnowledgeNOTES:Digital Story: Engage32. Travis observes that one of his employees always refuses to look him in the eye. He wonders if the employee lacksrespect for him. Later, Travis sees that other employees also fail to look him in the eye. Travis decides that the employeesare not disrespectful of him, but rather that he must be intimidating them. Travis makes this attribution based on _____.a

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POINTS:1DIFFICULTY:ChallengingREFERENCES:p. 273LEARNING OBJECTIVES:MGMT.GRIF.16. 9-4 - LO: 9-4NATIONAL STANDARDS:United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticSTATE STANDARDS:United States - AK - DISC: Individual DynamicsTOPICS:Perception and Individual BehaviorKEYWORDS:Bloom's: ApplicationNOTES:Digital Story: Perform33. Jill observes that relationships are very important to Christine and that she will go out of her way to help others.Christine is late for a meeting with Jill, and Jill thinks the delay is due to Christine's generous spirit. Jill's judgement of thecause for Christine's delay is an example of _____.a

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POINTS:1DIFFICULTY:ChallengingREFERENCES:p. 273LEARNING OBJECTIVES:MGMT.GRIF.16. 9-4 - LO: 9-4NATIONAL STANDARDS:United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticSTATE STANDARDS:United States - AK - DISC: Individual DynamicsTOPICS:Perception and Individual BehaviorKEYWORDS:Bloom's: ApplicationNOTES:Digital Story: Perform

31. The extent to which other people in the same situation behave in the same way is known asconsensus32. Travis observes that one of his employees always refuses to look him in the eye. He wonders if the employee lacksrespect for him. Later, Travis sees that other employees also fail to look him in the eye. Travis decides that the employeesare not disrespectful of him, but rather that he must be intimidating them. Travis makes this attribution based onconsensus.33. Jill observes that relationships are very important to Christine and that she will go out of her way to help others.Christine is late for a meeting with Jill, and Jill thinks the delay is due to Christine's generous spirit. Jill's judgement of thecause for Christine's delay is an example ofattribution..

34. Compared to Type A individuals, Type B individuals are less likely to experience conflict with other people.

35. Claudia is trying to develop a communications plan for a new plant opening. She puts in many hours of overtime andeventually gives up and goes home without finishing the project. She is most likely in theexhaustion stageof the GeneralAdaptation Syndrome (GAS).

36. Yakov is a Type A person. He is least likely to bepatient.

37. Herman believes he needs balance between work and his personal life. He does not work on weekends but works at aconstant pace irrespective of business deadlines. He exhibits aType B personality.

38. The temperature at Nettix Inc. is too cold for Royce to concentrate on his work. This is an example of work-relatedstressors categorized asphysical demands.

39. During surgery, surgeons make quick decisions knowing the consequences of a wrong one. They are most likely tofeel stress due totask demands.

40. The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) represents the normal process by which an individual reacts tostressfulevents.

What are the psychological emotional and physical attributes that vary from person to person called?

A trait is a personality characteristic that meets three criteria: it must be consistent, stable, and vary from person to person. 1 Based on this definition, a trait can be thought of as a relatively stable characteristic that causes individuals to behave in certain ways.

What is the process of giving employees a voice in making decisions about their own work?

Employee voice is often defined as giving people opportunities to express ideas, concerns, and perspectives with authenticity and without fear of social or workplace consequences. That means employees have the ability to influence decisions at work through their feedback.

Is the term used to describe an individual's beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a task?

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one's own motivation, behavior, and social environment.

What can be defined as the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways?

Motivation is the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways.