What characteristics of drugs determine the likelihood of them crossing the placenta to the fetus?

On this page

  • What is the placenta?
  • What is the role of the placenta during pregnancy?
  • What is the normal position of the placenta during pregnancy?
  • How does the placenta work in twin pregnancies?
  • Can medicines cross the placenta?
  • What should I do to keep my placenta healthy during pregnancy?
  • What happens to the placenta after my baby is born?
  • Can I take my placenta home with me?
  • Can anything go wrong with my placenta?
  • Related information on Australian websites

What is the placenta?

The placenta is a temporary organ that develops during pregnancy. It attaches to the lining of your uterus and delivers oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby through the umbilical cord.

If something goes wrong with the placenta, it can be serious and even life-threatening to both mum and baby.

What is the role of the placenta during pregnancy?

The placenta passes oxygen, nutrients and antibodies from your blood to your baby. It also carries waste products from your baby back to your blood, so your body can get rid of them.

The placenta also produces some hormones like oestrogen and progesterone that are needed during pregnancy.

What is the normal position of the placenta during pregnancy?

The placenta should attach to the wall of the uterus, usually at the top, side, front or back. The exact location will vary from person to person and in each pregnancy.

The placenta can sometimes develop low in the uterus but will generally move higher as your uterus stretches. The position of the placenta will be checked at your 18-week ultrasound.

What characteristics of drugs determine the likelihood of them crossing the placenta to the fetus?
This image shows a normal placental location, with the placenta attached at the top of the uterus.

How does the placenta work in twin pregnancies?

Fraternal twins come from separate eggs and each have their own placenta. Identical twins come from the same egg that separates, and they may share a placenta or have their own.

Can medicines cross the placenta?

Alcohol, nicotine, medicines and other drugs can cross the placenta and affect your baby’s health.

What should I do to keep my placenta healthy during pregnancy?

It’s important to visit your healthcare provider regularly during pregnancy. If there are complications, they can be identified during these appointments.

Tell your doctor if you have had problems with the placenta in a previous pregnancy, or if you have had any surgery to your uterus.

If you smoke, drink alcohol or take certain drugs during pregnancy, this increases the likelihood of problems with the placenta.

Always consult your doctor before you take any medicines, including over-the-counter medicines, natural therapies and supplements, while you are pregnant.

Speak with your doctor or midwife if you have any concerns, or if you experience:

  • severe abdominal (stomach) pain or back pain
  • vaginal bleeding
  • contractions
  • any trauma to your abdomen, for example from a fall or car accident

What happens to the placenta after my baby is born?

After your baby is born, you will need to birth your placenta. This is called the third stage of labour. This stage of labour can be managed in different ways.

If you had a vaginal birth, you will usually have some mild contractions and need to give a few pushes to help your placenta to come out.

If you have a caesarean section, your doctor will remove the placenta at the same time your baby is born.

Once you birth your placenta your doctor or midwife will check that it looks complete. If there is any concern that your placenta isn’t complete, they may suggest further investigations. If any bits of placenta are retained (stay inside you), they may have to be surgically removed to prevent infection.

Can I take my placenta home with me?

It is your choice what you do with your placenta. You may choose to discard it; in which case your hospital or birthing centre will take care of this.

If you wish to take your placenta home, you can speak to your doctor or midwife to arrange this.

In some cultures, people bury the placenta in a special place.

‘Placentophagy’ is a practice where people cook and eat their placenta. There is no research to support health benefits from this. However, you may choose to do this for cultural, spiritual, or personal reasons.

Some commercial service providers offer to turn your placenta into capsules for you to swallow. It should be noted that there may be a risk of infection from poor preparation. These practices should be treated with caution.

Can anything go wrong with my placenta?

Problems with your placenta can happen during pregnancy, birth and after birth. These are potentially dangerous for both you and your baby.

Placental abruption is when some or all the placenta comes away from the wall of the uterus before your baby is born.

Placenta praevia is when the placenta partially or totally covers the cervix (the narrow opening in the uterus).

Placental insufficiency is when the placenta doesn’t work properly during pregnancy. It deprives the baby of oxygen and nutrients they need to grow and develop.

Placenta accreta is when the placenta grows too deeply into the wall of the uterus. This can lead to severe bleeding during or after delivery and can be life-threatening.

Retained placenta is when your placenta does not completely come out after the birth. This might be because it is stopped by your cervix or is still attached to your uterus.

What characteristics of drugs determine the likelihood of them crossing the placenta to the fetus?

What are the factors that influence drug transfer across placenta?

Nutrient and drug transfer across the placenta are by passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, and pinocytosis. Placental drug transfer is dependent on the physical properties of the placental membrane and on the pharmacological properties of the drug.

Which of the following will determine placental transfer of drugs to the fetus?

Transfer of drugs across the placenta The amount of drug that crosses the placenta depends on maternal cardiac output, fetal cardiac output, placental binding, and placental metabolism, as well as factors that influence passive diffusion across the placenta.

What kind of drugs can cross the placenta?

Drugs that have low molecular weight, lipid (fat) solubility, nonpolarity, and no protein binding properties will quickly and easily cross the placenta. Alcohol, for example, readily reaches the embryo in fairly high concentrations.

Why can some drugs cross the placenta?

Placental-mediated interactions are possible because the placenta is not only a passive diffusional barrier, but also expresses a variety of influx and efflux transporters and drug-metabolizing enzymes.