When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

There are two commands you can use to wrap text around images in Microsoft Word. Use Wrap Text to choose the way in which text will wrap around the object. Use Position to choose the position of the object on the page, and the text will automatically wrap around the image.

This feature works the same in all modern versions of Microsoft Word: 2010, 2013, and 2016.

To wrap text around an image using the Wrap Text command:

  1. Select the image by clicking on it and then, on the Picture Tools Format tab in the Arrange group, click Wrap Text.
    When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?
  2. Hover over the Wrap Text options and then click on one of them to select it.
    When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

To position text around an image using the Position command:

  1. Select the image by clicking on it and then on the Picture Tools Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Position.
    When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?
  2. Hover over the Position options and then click on one of them to select it.
    When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Learning Objectives

  • Change image layout options.

Notice that wherever the image is placed, the line spacing dramatically increases to fit the size of the picture. This is because images are treated as an inline text character. In other words, Word treats the image like it would treat any word or letter of text. You can change this by applying a text wrap. Text wrap causes all of the text to wrap around the image so that the image does not interfere with line spacing.

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Text wrap

There are a couple of ways to get to the text wrap options and apply a text wrap.

Method 1: Quick Apply

Click the box to the right of the image with a rainbow-shaped icon.

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Method 2: Format Tab

When you click on the image, the Format tab will appear in the ribbon. From the Format tab, you can choose Warp Text.

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Method 3: Position

Go to Format>Position for options that not only apply text wrap but also position the image on the page.

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Position in Top Center with Square Text Wrapping

Text Wrap Options

Regardless of which method you use, the text wrap options are the same. The text wrap you will probably use the most is the square text wrap, but there are other text wraps too.

  • Square—Text wraps around the image in a square shape
  • Tight/Through—Text wraps around image, regardless of what shape the image is. This text wrap works best with images that have no background.
  • Top and Bottom—Text stops when it hits the top of the image and continues at the bottom of the image; no text is to the left or right of the image
  • Behind text—Image is behind text. Text will cover image.
  • In front of text—Image is in front of text. Text behind the image is not visible.

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Square text wrap

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Tight text wrap

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Top and bottom text wrap

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

Behind text

When you apply a text wrap option for a picture, what type of picture are you then working with?

In front of text

After the text wrap is applied, you can click and drag the image to anywhere in the document, and the text will wrap around it accordingly.

Practice Question

How can you tell if an image is an inline graphic?

the image to determine how it can be used legally. How can you tell if an image is an inline graphic? adding spaces or tabs, or by applying alignment settings.

Why would you add alternative text information to a picture in your document?

Alt Text helps people with visual impairments understand pictures and other graphical content. When someone uses a screen reader to view documents, they will hear Alt Text; without Alt Text, they will only know they've reached a picture without knowing what the picture shows.

Which key will demote the text and shape when using the text pane?

You can also demote and promote shapes from within the task pane. With the insertion point in the task pane, press the Tab key to demote a shape. Press the Backspace key (or Shift+Tab) to promote a shape.

Which tool should you use to cut away certain portions of a selected picture?

Select the lasso tool from Photoshop's toolbox menu. When you click the lasso, you'll have the option to choose the regular lasso, the polygonal lasso or the magnetic lasso – each one works a little differently, but they all let you outline a shape.