Which is the next highest need after the desire to be accepted by ones peers have friendships?





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Terms in this set (37)

which need describes the desire to be accepted by one's peer, have friendships, be part of a group, and be loved?

belongingness needs

______ describe the most basic human needs , including food, water and oxygen

physiological needs

in goal-setting theory, _____ refers to to the degree to which goals are concrete and ambiguous

goal specificity

according to Maslow, the highest order needs are

self-actualization needs

________ is power sharing, or the delegation of power or authority to subordinates in an organization


In goal- setting theory, which term refers to the need to get information to people about how well they are doing in progressing towards goal achievement


which of the following is the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior?


which of the following combines a series of tasks into one, new broader job

job enlargement

_________ is the extent to which doing the job provides information back to the employees about his/her performance?


the ________ involves putting effort into a task will lead to high performance?

E----->P expectancy

intrinsic rewards

satisfactions that a person receives in the process of performing a particular action

extrinsic rewards

given by another person, typically a manager, and include promotions, praise, and pay increases

ERG Theory

existence needs- the needs for physical well-being
relatedness needs- the needs for satisfactory relationships with others
growth needs- the needs that focus on the development of human potential and the desire for personal growth

hierarchy of needs

PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS- the most basic human physical needs
SAFETY NEEDS-a safe and secure physical and emotional environment and freedom from threats
BELONGINGNESS NEEDS- reflect the desire to be accepted by one's peers , have friendships, be part of a group, and be loved
ESTEEM NEEDS- relate to the desire for a positive self-image and to receive attention, recognition, and appreciation from others
SELF-ACTUALIZATION NEEDS- include the need for self-fulfillment (highest need category )

hierarchy of needs theory

people are motivated by multiple needs and that these needs exist in a hierarchical order

frustration-regression principle

failure to meet a high-order need may trigger a regression to an already fulfilled lower-order need

hygiene factors

the presence of absence of job dissatisfiers, such as working conditions, pay, company policies, and interpersonal relationships


focus on high level needs and include achievement, recognition, responsibility and opportunity for growth

acquired needs

NEED FOR ACHIEVEMENT- the desire to accomplish something difficult, attain a high standard of success, master complex tasks, and surpass others
NEED FOR AFFILIATION- the desire to form close personal relationships, avoid conflict, and establish warm friendships
NEED FOR POWER- the desire to influence or control others, be responsible for others, and have authority over others

goal setting theory

increase motivation and enhance performance by setting goals and providing timely feedback

components of goal setting theory

GOAL SPECIFICITY- degree to which goals are concrete and ambiguous
GOAL DIFFICULTY- hard goals are more motivating than easy ones
GOAL ACCEPTANCE- employees have to "buy into" the goals and be committed to them
FEEDBACK- people get information about how well they are doing in progressing toward goal achievement

equity theory

individual's perceptions of how fairly they are treated compared with others


whenever the ratio of one person's outcomes to inputs equals the ration of another's outcomes to inputs

perceived inequity can be reduced by

CHANGING WORK EFFORT- a person may choose to increase or decrease his or her inputs to the organization
CHANGE OUTCOMES- a person may change his or her outcomes
CHANGE PERCEPTIONS- people may change perceptions of equity if they are unable to change inputs or outcomes
LEAVE THE JOB- people who feel inequitably treated may decide to leave their jobs rather than suffer the inequity of being underpaid or overpaid

expectancy theory

motivation depends on individuals' expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards

E------>P expectancy (effort to performance)

determining whether putting effort into a task will lead to high performance

P--------->O expectancy (performance to outcome

determining whether successful performance of a task will lead to the desired outcome


the value or attraction an individual has for an outcome

behavior modification

techniques by which reinforcement theory is used to modify human behavior


anything that causes a behavior to be repeated or inhibited

law of effect

positively reinforced behavior tends to be repeated and unreinforced behavior inhibited

4 reinforcement tools

EXTINCTION- withholding of a positive reward
PUNISHMENT- imposition of unpleasant outcomes on an employee
AVOIDANCE LEARNING- removal of an unpleasant consequence once a behavior is improved
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT- pleasant and rewarding consequences following a desired behavior

social learning theory

related to the reinforcement perspective, but it proposes that an individual's motivation can result not just from direct experience of rewards and punishments but also from the person's observations of other people's behavior

vicarious learning

when an individual sees others perform certain behaviors and get rewarded for them

job design

the application of motivational theories to the structure of work for improving productivity and satisfaction

job enrichment

incorporating high-level motivators into the work, including responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement

work redesign

altering jobs to increase both the quality of employees' work experience and their productivity

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Which is the next highest need after the desire to be accepted by one's peers have friendships being a part of a group?

Love needs are next in Maslow's hierarchy. These include friendship, family, and sexual love, as well as the desire to be accepted by peer groups and to receive affection. To meet love needs, individuals must be positioned to both give and receive love.

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Job enlargement combines a series of tasks into one new, broader job.

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These needs includes physiological needs, safety and security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs. He did not give any type of economic need in his theory.

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the process of giving employees a voice in making decisions about their own work. Thus empowerment is a somewhat broader concept that promotes participation in a wide variety of areas, including but not limited to work itself, work context, and work environment.