Which of the following best explains the impact of these new selective pressures on the organisms involved?

The degrees of relatedness in several native populations of prairie chickens in Marion and Jasper Counties in Illinois were determined. The degree of relatedness is inversely proportional to genetic diversity; that is, populations with a high degree of relatedness have less genetic diversity. Table 1 shows the collected data. Populations J1 through J5 are located in Jasper County. Populations M1 through M5 are located in Marion County. Numbers above 0.125 indicate a high degree of relatedness.


Population Degree of Relatedness
J1 0.215
J2 0.215
J3 0.339
J4 0.280
J5 0.362
M1 0.305
M2 0.365
M3 0.199
M4 0.432
M5 0.405
Scientists claim that some of the populations in Marion County are at an increased risk of decline or extinction. Based on the data in table 1, which of the following best provides evidence to support this claim?

Which of the following best describes the processes occurring between the mouse populations in the environment?

Which of the following best describes the processes occurring between the mouse populations and their environments? Natural selection favors the mice with the dark coat color, causing the mice in all of the populations to be better adapted.

Which of the following best describes the process responsible for the change in the percent of Tuskless female elephants in the Gorongosa National Park population?

Which of the following best describes the process responsible for the change in the percent of tuskless female elephants in the Gorongosa National Park population shown in Figure 1 ? Human hunting of elephants with tusks between 1977 and 1992.

Which of the following statements best explains how a condition of Hardy Weinberg results in a population that exhibits?

Which of the following statements best explains how a condition of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium results in a population that exhibits stable allele frequencies (i.e., a nonevolving population)? Without migration or mutation, new alleles cannot be introduced to the population.

Which statement explains how geographic isolation causes speciation?

How Does Geographic Isolation Cause Speciation? When a population is separated because of a geographic feature, like distance, a canyon, a river, or a mountain range, those two subgroups of the population are no longer able to reproduce together.