Which of the following postpartum conditions are medical emergencies that require immediate attention?

C) desmopressin.

Cryoprecipitate may be used; however, because of the risk of possible donor viruses, other modalities are considered safer. Treatment with plasma products, such as factor VIII and vWf, are an acceptable option for this client. Because of the repeated exposure to donor blood products and possible viruses, this is not the initial treatment of choice. Desmopressin is the primary treatment of choice. This hormone can be administered orally, nasally, and intravenously. This medication promotes the release of factor VIII and vWf from storage. Although the administration of this prostaglandin is known to promote contraction of the uterus during after birth hemorrhage, it is not effective for the client who presents with a bleeding disorder.

Which postpartum conditions are considered medical emergencies?

Common postpartum emergencies include pain, fever, hemorrhage, hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, infection, and depression. ED management should include a thorough history, including date and route of delivery, procedural complications, pregnancy history, and current symptoms.

Which postpartum infection is most often contracted by?

Local spread of colonized bacteria is the most common etiology for postpartum infection following vaginal delivery. Endometritis is the most common infection in the postpartum period.

What are postpartum complications?

Life-threatening conditions that can happen after giving birth include infections, blood clots, postpartum depression and postpartum hemorrhage. Warning signs to watch out for include chest pain, trouble breathing, heavy bleeding, severe headache and extreme pain.

Is postpartum hemorrhage an emergency?

Postpartum hemorrhage is a potentially life-threatening complication of both vaginal and cesarean delivery. Associated morbidity is related to the direct consequences of blood loss as well as the potential complications of hemostatic and resuscitative interventions.