Which of the following statements about black American settlement patterns is most accurate Quizlet

Political economist Henry George wrote Progress and Poverty in 1879. The following is an excerpt from his book:

"The wealthy class is becoming more wealthy, but the poor class is becoming more dependent. The gulf between the employed and the employer is growing wider; social contrasts are becoming sharper; as liveried (horse drawn)carriages appear; so do barefoot children."

Which factor led to the economic division described in the above excerpt by Henry George?

A. Stock Market Upturn
B. Rapid Industrialization
C. Passage of anti-trust laws
D. Production of raw materials

B. Rapid Industrialization

In the years after RECONSTRUCTION, (AFTER the Civil War) share-cropping was a common Land arrangement.


*Tenant farmer rented small piece of land
*Tenant paid rent in the form of a share of the year's crop
*After harvest, tenant repaid landowner for costs of equipment
*Tenants were often in debt after year's account were settled

The system described above brought about which result?

A. A continued cycle of poverty
B. Federal regulation of farm credit
C. Established of agricultural colleges
D. Low food prices due to over-production

A. A continued cycle of poverty

This list describes industrial working conditions in the United States during the Gilded Age.

· Poor pay
· Long hours
· Frequent layoffs
· Dangerous conditions

Which tactic was effective in changing these working conditions?

A. Staging Factory Riots for Dramatic effects
B. Urging public boycotts of goods
C. Organizing Labor Unions
D. Supporting Monopolistic practices of owners

C. Organizing Labor Unions

Use the list to answer the following question.

· Increased Coal Mining
· Increased Petroleum Refining
· Development of the Bessemer Process
· Development of the Electric Light Bulb

What do these events in the list have in common?

A. They are the results of Dollar Diplomacy
B. They are results of the policy of Manifest Destiny
C. They are factors contributing to the rise of industrialization
D. They are events contributing to the increase of agricultural production

C. They are factors contributing to the rise of industrialization

During the late 1800's the United States rapidly became an urban nation. One reason for the transformation was:

A. Many farm workers had not started joining and organizing unions.

B. Farm life became extinct.

C. Immigrants were more likely to live in ethnic neighborhoods than on isolated farms.

D. New farm machinery and factory production caused farm labor to decrease.

D.New farm machinery and factory production caused farm labor to decrease

Social Darwinism:
-Is a term that was used in 19th century to describe the idea that humans, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence. It did all of the following:

- applied Darwinist concepts of survival of the fittest to social conditions
- promotion of idea that government should not interfere =
- human competition by regulating the economy
- supported the idea that government should not try to eliminate poverty
How did Social Darwinism affect the social class structure of the late 1800s?
A. It supported an increase in government "trust-busting."

B.It supported government welfare programs for the needy.

C. It allowed the wealthy to defend the gap between the rich and the poor.

D. It allowed most immigrants to achieve the "American Dream."

C. It allowed the wealthy to defend the gap between the rich and the poor.

Use the list to answer the following question:
What do the events in this list have in common?
• More rights for Farmers or Common People• Direct Election of Senators• William Jennings Bryan• Wanted the Silver Standard combined with Gold Standard

A. They are results of the policy of Dollar Diplomacy.

B.They are events contributing to the increase of agricultural production.

C.They are results of the policy of Manifest Destiny

D.These are all factors that led to the rise of the Populist Party.

D.These are all factors that led to the rise of the Populist Party.

7. Use the map and your knowledge of the Gilded Age to answer the question.

Which shaded area on the map was least industrialized in the second half of the 19th century (1800s)?
A. Area A
B. Area C
C. Area B
D. Area D

D. Area D

This graph illustrates immigrant settlement patterns between 1870 and 1910.
Which statement provides an accurate analysis of the trend shown in this graph?

A. Immigrants settled in areas with warmer climate conditions.
B.Immigrants were attracted to areas with little ethnic diversity.
C.Immigrants settled in rural areas to establish farms.
D.Immigrants were attracted to areas with factory jobs

D.Immigrants were attracted to areas with factory jobs


The list above are all:

A. Results of the Spanish American War
B. Causes of World War I
C. Results of Progressive Reform
D. Causes of the Civil War

B. Causes of World War I

Which idea formed the basis of the debate in the 1925 Scopes Trial?

A. The Traditionalist belief that science was superior to religion.
B. The fundamentalist belief that science could co-exist with religion.
C. The Modernist view that academics should be free of religious influence.
D. The Socialist philosophy that students should abandon religious teachings.

C. The Modernist view that academics should be free of religious influence.

Between 1880 and 1920, new categories of jobs were created.

"This era also saw the development of department stores and retail jobs in urban areas. Industrial capitalism had succeeded in producing more goods for the consumer to buy, which led to the increased needs for sales people. Retail jobs were seen by many as more respectable than factory work...."

How did the creation of more retail sales jobs affect the labor force in the United States?

A. African American men held most of these jobs.
B. Women with some education moved to fill these jobs.
C. Migrant workers with farm experience filled these jobs.
D. Unskilled immigrant laborers fought to unionize and fill these jobs.

B. Women with some education moved to fill these jobs

The 5th Amendment describes the principle of Eminent Domain.

"Nor shall private property be taken for public use; without just compensation."

Which trend below traces a long-term application of this principle?

A. Barbed wire fences ended the era of the open range for cattle.
B. Schools were established to educate children of immigrants.
C. Western land was made available to farming homesteaders.
D. Highways were built on land purchased from landowners.

D. Highways were built on land purchased from landowners.

In 1919 Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes summarized the opinion of the Supreme Court in the case SCHENCK v. United States:

"The question in every case is whether the words used are used....to create a clear and present danger that....will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.....When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in a time of peace......will not be endured so long as the men fight, and.....no Court could regard them as protected by ANY constitutional right."

How did this ruling alter behavior in the United States?

· A. Public debates concerning issues of national security were no longer tolerated.
· B. Critical comments regarding the governing party were no longer tolerated.
· C. Legal scholars were targets of investigations during national crises.
· D. Civil Liberties were subject to interpretation during national crises.

D. Civil Liberties were subject to interpretation during national crises.

Which event caused the United States government to restrict freedom of speech?

A. An era of population growth.
B. Participation in a foreign war.
C. A period of economic difficulty
D. Controversy over a presidential election.

B. Participation in a foreign war.

How did the Treaty of Versailles address President Woodrow Wilson's concern about making the world safe for democracy?

A. It established the principle of freedom of the seas.
B. It divided former German colonies among the winners of the war.
C. It created an international organization to maintain the peace.
D. It required Germany to pay for the war damages.

C. It created an international organization to maintain the peace.

Why has the power of the Federal government steadily grown since the writing of the United States Constitution?

A. Many politicians in local elections have required federal supervision.
B. Many complex developments in society have prompted federal action.
C. The United States Congress has passed legislation removing power from the other branches.
D. The United States Supreme Court has made decisions adding power to the President's office.

B. Many complex developments in society have prompted federal action.

The following words are from a song written in 1914:

"My life belongs to Uncle Sam, I'm not sure of what I must do, but always know when I go over sea's, that my Heart belongs to you.."

Which of the following statements analyzes the context of this song?

A. The words were nostalgia for events that occurred during the Civil War.
B. The words were inspired by events that were happening in France and Germany.
C. The words were to comfort women during the Suffrage movement.
D. The words demonstrated the changing popularity of Pop music.

B. The words were inspired by events that were happening in France and Germany.

What did the USA gain after it defeated Spain in the Spanish American War?

The United States gained Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam

The list below provides details about United States involvement in China during the late 1800s and early 1900s
Global Powers compete for spheres of influence in China
The US furthers a policy in China
Which phrase completes the information?
A. United States Develops Interest in Chinese Markets
B. United States Makes Commitment to Free Elections
C. United States Supports Democracy in Chinese Communities
D. United States Plans Establishment of Military Bases

A. United States Develops Interest in Chinese Markets

Which of the following best explains why the building of the Panama Canal supported United States' efforts to become a world power?

A. It gave the U.S. a colony in Central America.
B. It prevented Japan and China from attacking Hawaii.
C. It opened up a new avenue for trade with China.
D. By providing a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it opened up new trading opportunities.

D. By providing a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it opened up new trading opportunities.

During the Populist Era, what was the primary argument against adopting the Silver Standard?

A. Monetary policy should be regulated by a Central Bank.
B. Changing the basis for our currency could result in inflation of prices.
C. Issuing more currency could cause a series of bank runs.
D. All monetary policies should be based on agricultural productivity.

B. Changing the basis for our currency could result in inflation of prices.

These were early 20th Century trends in the United States:

· The Growth of monopolistic business practices
· The Growth of the belief of Social Darwinism
· The growing influx of immigrant labor

What was a result of the above developments?

A. Electoral Reform
B. Population Decline
C. Increasing income disparity
D. Greater educational opportunities

C. Increasing income disparity

Read the following list of documents and laws:
Black Codes Grandfather Clause Jim Crow Laws Literacy Test Poll Tax Sharecropper System
What is the common purpose of these documents and laws, regulations?
A. To ensure that the constitutional rights of former slaves were not violated and thus keep federal troops from returning to the South.
B. To preserve a social system that would comply with the Plessey vs. Ferguson decision of "Separate but equal"
C. To maintain a completely segregated system in which the civil rights of African Americans would be completely denied, often by force
D. To ensure that while all federal laws were obeyed, there would also be total racial segregation in all public facilities

B. To preserve a social system that would comply with the Plessey vs. Ferguson decision of "Separate but equal"

This list summarizes features of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.

· Organized in 1925 by African American railroad porters and maids.
· Represented over 15,000 workers.
· Leaders used the unions strength to promote Civil Rights activism.
· Porters distributed Civil Rights publications in states where materials were banned.

How did the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters have a broader influence on American society?

A. Federal labor regulations promoted union organization on railroads.
B. The union used its position to contribute to efforts for social change.
C. The union focused on organizational efforts to increase labor protections.
D. Federal interstate commerce regulations limited the influence of the union.

B. The union used its position to contribute to efforts for social change.

The following compares the major reform laws passed in the early 20th Century:

Clayton Anti Trust Act Federal Trade Commission
Prohibited business practices leading to Created a new agency to ensure
The formation of Monopolies. business competition.

Which goal did Congress have in passing these laws?

A. Enabling Corporations to consolidate under federally appointed supervisors.
B. Establishing the federal government as a regulator of corporate activities.
C. Restricting the growth of corporations to prevent a stock market crash.
D. Expanding the corporate market-place by offering subsidies.

B. Establishing the federal government as a regulator of corporate activities.

What justification did expansionists present to support their foreign policy in the late 19th Century?

A. The United States must meet consumer demand for foreign goods.
B. The United States must compete with other nations for new territory.
C. The United States must provide new territories for a growing population.
D. The United States must promote industrial development in foreign countries.

B. The United States must compete with other nations for new territory.

Which goal do you think the Women's Suffrage Movement ( Progressivism) of the early 20th Century shares with the African American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and 1960's?

A. Equal access to workplace opportunities
B. An equal opportunity to receive an education
C. Equal access to federally funded public services
D. An equal opportunity to participate in the political process

D. An equal opportunity to participate in the political process

During the Industrial Revolution, how did the economic hardships of immigrants influence social reform?

A. Businesses sponsored child-care programs.
B. Political machines demanded improved working conditions.
C. Settlement Houses were established to provide service to the poor.
D. Federal offices distributed relief payments to unemployed workers.

C. Settlement Houses were established to provide service to the poor.

In June of 1897, the Omaha World-Herald published an editorial on the proposed annexation of Hawaii.

"The annexation of Hawaii will benefit none but the sugar King of that island, and his benefits will be bought and presented to him by the American people. Let Hawaii remain an independent republic. The United States should not begin the policy of reaching across the waves to grasp new territory."

Based on this editorial, which factor influenced the United States foreign policy?

A. The need to expand military power
B. The need for economic independence
C. The desire to expand business interests
D. The desire for political democratization

C. The desire to expand business interests

The following chart identifies some characteristics of the United States in the late 1800's and early 1900's........
Surplus of goods
Search for new Overseas Markets
Coaling Stations
Needed to Refuel
Navy and Trade
Which phrase completes the chart by analyzing how these characteristics affected the foreign policy of the United States?

A. The imposition of Democratic Principals.
B. The distribution of humanitarian aid.
C. The restriction on Immigration.
D. The acquisition of new territories and war.

D. The acquisition of new territories and war.


The list above are all:

A. Results of the Spanish American War
B. Causes of World War I
C. Results of Progressive Reform
D. Causes of the Civil War

B. Causes of World War I

Which idea formed the basis of the debate in the 1925 Scopes Trial?

A. The Traditionalist belief that science was superior to religion.
B. The fundamentalist belief that science could co-exist with religion.
C. The Modernist view that academics should be free of religious influence.
D. The Socialist philosophy that students should abandon religious teachings.

C. The Modernist view that academics should be free of religious influence.

Which situation led the United States Government to create the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?

A. Economic Hardships caused by the Great Depression.
B. The expansion of national parks to meet public demand.
C. Social instability caused by the return of World War I veterans.
D. The sale of western lands to railroad companies by homesteaders.

A. Economic Hardships caused by the Great Depression.

The demand for automobiles in the 1920s:
a. Stimulated growth in many other industries
b. Led to a nationwide recession
c. Closed down the steel industry
d. Brought about the collapse of the suburbs

a. Stimulated growth in many other industries