Which of the following statements best describes a monochronic time orientation?

A)Time is not tangible,multiple activities can be performed simultaneously,little emphasis on scheduling.
B)Time is compartmentalized but multiple activities can be performed simultaneously.
C)Time is compartmentalized,schedules are paramount,time is tangible and valuable.
D)Multiple activities can be performed simultaneously,but scheduling is paramount.

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  • Q17:

    People in polychronic time oriented cultures tend to wear Rolex watches whereas people in monochronic time oriented cultures tend to wear Timex watches.

  • Q18:

    Which list of terms best describes an environment with a low load? A)Certain,redundant,and probable. B)Fast-paced and quick. C)Crowded,immediate,and dense. D)Sluggish,slow,and lingering.

  • Q19:

    The built environment consists mainly of A)high load situations,including randomness. B)low load situations,including patterns. C)the physical geography of the earth,including climate. D)adaptations to the terrestrial environment,including housing.

  • Q20:

    An individual's vulnerability to a natural disaster is influenced by the social hierarchy within which that individual exists.In this sense,natural disasters are as much social phenomena as they are natural ones.

  • Q21:

    According to Westin's classification of privacy,solitude refers to A)the state of being free from observation of others. B)a state of being with another person,but free from the outside world. C)the state of being unknown,even in a crowd. D)the state in which a person employs barriers to control unwanted intrusion.

  • Q22:

    Kluckhohn argues that cultures can be described as having one of three orientations toward nature.List and provide a brief description of each one.

  • Q24:

    Which of the following statements best describes a polychronic time orientation? A)Time is not tangible,multiple activities can be performed simultaneously,little emphasis on scheduling. B)Time is compartmentalized but multiple activities can be performed simultaneously. C)Time is compartmentalized,schedules are paramount,time is tangible and valuable. D)Multiple activities can be performed simultaneously,but scheduling is paramount.

  • Q25:

    Compare and contrast (do both)high and low load environments.

  • Q26:

    Perhaps the most important consequence of a monochronic time orientation is that A)it requires a great deal of time to practice. B)it complies with the natural and gradual progression of human communication. C)it conflicts with the terrestrial and built environments. D)it denies the natural context and progression of human communication.

  • Q27:

    Compare and contrast monochronic and polychronic time orientations.


1. We use nodding and smiling as nonverbal codes during conversations. Which of the following function do such nonverbal codes perform?

 Repeating the verbal message  Substituting the verbal message  Accenting the verbal message  Regulating verbal communication


2. Which of the following is NOT of nonverbal communication, as identified in the chapter?

 Repeating verbal messages  Reinforcing verbal messages  Substituting spoken messages  Confusing verbal messages


3. Territoriality, or how an individually permanently or temporarily claims space. Which of the following Is associated with territoriality?

 Kinesics  Chronemics  Haptics  Proxemics


4. Communicating with unfamiliar cultures does not simply mean finding a translator to facilitate discussions in a foreign language. To understand the significance of a message from someone, you do NOT need to understand... 1

 None of these  What to expect when someone engages in particular communication behavior  The values that weigh heavily in that person’s view of the world  The linguistics of the language the other person speaks


5. Culture has been defined differently by scholars from different disciplines, such as philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies and communication. However, scholars tend to agree on some common characteristics of culture. They are...

 All of these  Culture is changing  Culture is pervasive  Culture is learned


6. Which of the following statements best describes cultural relativism? 1

 The belief that ethnic cultural characteristics are unique to the ethic group  The belief that all cultural stereotypes are accurate  The belief that a culture should be interpreted in its context  The belief that one’s own culture is superior to others


7. One of the characteristics of communication is that communication is a dynamic process. Communication is a process because... 1

 Communication has a beginning and an end  Communication is a fixed sequence of events  Communication elements within a process are independent of each other  Communication is ongoing, ever-changing and continuous


8. Both message and encoding are communication components. However, message is distinguishable from the encoding process in that... 1

 Both message and encoding are internal  Both message and encoding are external  Message is external to the source whilst encoding is internal  Message is internal to the source while encoding is external


9. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of Communication Accommodation Theory? 1

 Communication is both exchange of meaning and negotiation of identities  Communication interactions are independent of the context

14 is ethnocentric to some degree. Which of the following characteristic tend to be associated with high level of ethnocentrism? 1

 Attribution of negative qualities to the in-group  Large communicative distance between in-groups and out-groups  Small communicative distance between in-groups and out-groups  An ability to see the world from the perspective of the outgroup


15-cultural adjustment is a two-way process. Which of the following statements is true about this process? 1

 Both the immigrant group and the host nationals undergo psychological and sociological adjustment  The attitude of ethnic communities has a strong influence on the migrants’ cross- cultural adjustment  Only migrants undergo cross-cultural adjustment in the host country  Only the host nationals undergo cross-cultural adjustment because of the presence of migrants in their country


16 and discrimination have been reported in many places as a by-product of multiculturalism. Which of the following statements best describe prejudice and discrimination? 1

 They both mean the same thing  Discrimination is the inner perception while discrimination is its outer manifestation  Prejudice is the inner negative perception while discrimination is its outer manifestation  Prejudice is the result of perception, but discrimination is not


17 and nonverbal codes are different in a number of ways. Which of the following best describes the difference between verbal and nonverbal codes? 1

 Verbal codes are always used consciously by people whereas nonverbal codes are always used unconsciously  Verbal system is much less restrictive in sending capacity than nonverbal code  Verbal system is based primarily on signs whereas nonverbal system is symbol based  Verbal system is governed by a formal grammar whereas nonverbal system is governed by semantics


18 is symbolic. Which of the following is NOT true about a symbol?

 A symbol is arbitrary  A symbol has a natural link to its referent  A symbol may be abstract  A symbol may be a nonverbal code


19 codes constitute an important part of our daily communication. Kinesics can be organized into five categories. Holding one’s index and middle fingers upward in a V represented victory in World War II. This is an example of which category of kinesic behavior?

 Emblem  Affect display  Illustrator  Adaptor


20 social zone of personal space, as described by Edward Hall, is influenced by culture. Which of the following interaction is categorized under the study of personal space?

 Intimate communication such a comforting, protecting  Social gatherings, work settings and business transactions  Interpersonal communication or didactic encounters  Public speaking or formal speaking situations


21 of the following best characterizes the complementary function of the nonverbal code? 1

 It replaces the verbal code  It adds information to what is being said  It contradicts what is being said  It emphasizes what is being said


22 has become a popular concept of our society today. What does multiculturalism refer to at the attitudinal level? 1

 People’s tolerance of diversity and their acceptance of equal societal participation  Neither people’s tolerance of diversity nor their acceptance of equal societal participation  People’s tolerance of diversity  People’s acceptance of equal societal participation

 Scientific


3. Schwartz argues that there are three cultural dimensions that confront all societies. Which of the following bets describes autonomy versus embeddedness?

 The domination of humankind over nature  The relationship between in-groups and out-groups  A desire to maintain the social fabric  The relationship between individuals and the group


The value orientation theory, developed by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, suggests that cultures develop unique positions in five value orientations. Which of the following is an assumption of the value orientation theory?

 For a given culture, there are unlimited solutions to these problems  Solutions to these problems are independent of the values of the culture  In every culture there are universal problems that must be addressed  Different generations of people from the same culture view environment differently


Angela is an Australian whose parents were born in Greece and immigrated to Australia before she was born. Angela speaks Greek at home, attends Greek Orthodox Church, and participates in traditional Greek festivals and holidays. Which of the following statements is more likely to be true of Angela?

 Angela would view other Australian as an outgroup  Angela would not view her national identity as Australian  Angela has low degree of value content in her ethnic identity  Angela exhibits a high degree of salience in her ethnic identity


The theory of power, proposed by Michel Foucault, is based on three main assumptions. Which of the following is an assumption of this theory?

 Institutional bodies do not embody and sustain relations  Those who are subjects of power often cannot find ways to resist power  Power is dynamic, flowing through individuals in various contexts  Social hierarchy is not always present in communication interactions


Uncertainty avoidance is one dimension of culture identified by Hofstede. Which of the following characterizes a culture strong in uncertainty avoidance? 1

 Aggressiv and compulsive  Contemplative and security seeking  Relaxed and tolerant  Active and unemotional


The Finns prefer to complete tasks one at a time and being late or not finishing something on time is considered rude and impolite. Which of the following concepts best describes the Finnish time orientation? 1

 Monochronic  Polychronic  Multiple context  High- context


People in the United States are perceived as ’efficiency experts’ that place a high value on time. Which value orientation, as identified by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, does emphasis on efficiency and practicality reflect? 1

 Time orientation  Activity orientation  Relational orientation  Human nature orientation


Which of the following is NOT one of Schwartz’s cultural value types? 1

 Conservatism  Harmony  Liberalism  Hierarchy


Managers in some cultures tend to be future-focused and value persistence; managers in other cultures tend to be present-focused and care more about immediate gratification. Which of the following cultural dimensions does this example best represent? 1

 Individualism versus collectivism  Harmony versus hierarchy  Long-term versus short-term

period of violent conflict or oppression and towards peace. Which of the following best describes this process?

 All of these  The process may include symbolic reparations  The process may be focused around legal ramifications for perpetrators  The process aims to promote reconciliation divided communities


What does the concept relational empathy refer to?

 Developing tolerance  None of these  Dealing with one issue at a time  Seeing the issue from the perspective of the other party


Conflicts are inevitable in the process of intercultural communication. Which of the following is NOT considered an effective conflict management strategy?

 Develop a positive communication climate  Focus on common ground and reduce disagreement  Encourage people to communicate in their own culturally appropriate way  Practice relational empathy


Which of the following concepts best describes the process of developing a new culture by negotiating cultural differences and building a common ground for communication?

 Intercultural compromise  Globalization  Intercultural interaction  Cultural synergy


In which of the following cultures are parents more likely to play a central role in deciding the choice of their children’s career path?

 Collectivistic cultures  High-context cultures  Monochronic cultures  Low-context cultures


Culture influences the development of interpersonal relationships. A major difference between Eastern and Western relationships is that...

 Western cultures engage in long-term and symmetrical reciprocity  Eastern cultures engage in short-term and symmetrical reciprocity  Western cultures engage in long-term and asymmetrical reciprocity  Eastern cultures engage in long-term and asymmetrical reciprocity


Arranged marriages are more common in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures. Which of the following statements best explains this phenomenon?

 The acceptance of the potential partner in the family is more important in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures  Romantic love between the potential partners is more important in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures  Similar religious background of the potential partner is more important in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures  Physical attractiveness of the potential partner is more important in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures


Italians use opera as a cultural metaphor to define themselves - because of its emphasis on emotion, drama, and the lyrical use of language. Which dimension o interpersonal relationships, as identified by Lustig and Koester, does this example illustrate?

 Inclusion  Affection  Activation  Control


Anxiety/uncertainty management theory is used in understanding relationship development. Which of the following statements does NOT characterize this theory?

 The reduction of uncertainty leads to change in the nature of communication  Effective intercultural communication is a function of reducing uncertainty  Uncertainty refers to one’s ability to explain one’s own feelings in communication  Anxiety is the affective equivalent of uncertainty


The terms race and ethnicity are often used interchangeably, although differences exist between the two concepts. What differentiates ethnicity from the race?




Which of the following statements best describes cultural diffusion?

 A culture tries to suppress elements of its own culture in favor of those from another culture  A culture keeps its own cultural from other cultures  A culture learns or adopts a new idea or practice from another culture or cultures  A cultures overcomes a threat to its own by strengthening its own cultural image


The notion of ’othering’ is predominantly used to refer to the stereotypical images of non-white populations. Which of the following theories does this sentence best represent?

 Cultural classification  Cultural Hegemony  Cultural apartheid  Cultural colonialization


When entering into communication with others, each of us brings a stock of knowledge about appropriate behaviors in our own culture. In which of the following theories is this knowledge a central element?

 Cultural familiarity theory  Cultural bias theory  Cultural cognition theory  Cultural schema theory


Which of the following is considered a good strategy for developing intercultural communication?

 Seeking differences  Insisting on using one’s own cultural rules  Developing flexibility but not openness  Overcoming stereotypes and prejudice


Which of the following statements best describes the dialectics of globalization?

 Globalization offers greater equality for developing countries but has also diminished cultural diversity  Globalization has led to a decreased in xenophobia and a decreased in face to face interaction  Globalization has led to greater homogenization and increased multiculturalism  Globalization has led to both a growing interconnectedness and a rise in xenophobia


Which of the following concepts is true of the facework competence criteria of intercultural competence?

 Individual satisfaction  Assertiveness  Context cues  Perceived appropriateness


Over time, individuals from different cultures come to a greater level of agreement with one another. Which of the following concepts best describes the process in which information is shared by two or more individuals?

 Diffusion  Colonialism  Innovation  Convergence


Products can carry cultural values, and many products that are seen to represent a culture have both been widely popular and resisted. A special symbol that tends to be idolized in a culture, such as a kangaroo and koala in Australia, is described as...

 A brand  An artifact  An icon  A logo


KFC opened its chain restaurants in China. Which is one of the major contributors to its success in China, as discussed in this chapter?

 Food quality that appeals to the Chinese  Western cuisine that is new to the Chinese

Scholars argue that all human languages share universal characteristics. Which of the following is NOT a universal characteristics of all languages?

 All languages have some way of stating the negatives and constructing interrogatives  There is no natural relationship between any word and its referent  All languages have some way of differentiating between singular and plural  There is an inherent relationship between the sounds and their accompanying alphabet


Languages has different components. Which if the following is concerned with how sounds are organized in a language?

 Phonology  Syntax  Semantics  Morphology


When cultures with no shared language came into contact, such as through International trade or during colonialism, one way to communicate was through the development of pidgins and creoles. Which of the following best distinguishes pidgins from creoles?

 Pidgins are used by tradesmen whereas creoles are used by politicians  Pidgins tend to last longer in history than creoles  Pidgins can be thought of as a second language whereas creoles can be acquired as first language  Pidgins are used by women and roles are used by men


Norm Chomsky claims that human languages share a universal grammar. Which of the following characterizes universal grammar?

 Speakers of any language can create a finite number of sentences  Speakers can only generate sentences they have heard before  It is innate in the human species and culturally invariant  It is innate in the human species and culturally variant


Which of the following communication styles is more likely to be associated with collectivistic cultures?

 Elaborate  Personal  Indirect  Instrumental


Linguists and social psychologists identify two types of meaning: denotative and connotative. Which of the following statements bets describes denotation?

 The literal meaning of a word  The translated meaning of a word  The cultural meanings of a word  The guessed meaning of a word


Ethnolinguistic vitality is a term used by linguists who study the relationship between language and identity. Which of the following statements best describes ethnolinguistic vitality?

 The degree of acceptability and importance associated with a language  The degree to which a language is considered ’safe’  The extent to which a language allows for descriptive, elaborate usage  The number of speakers of a language compared to other languages


Gender-neutral language is a result of language reforms in universities in the 1970s. Which of the following is an alternative term for it?

 Exclusive language  Gender-inclusive language  Discriminatory language  Sexist language


Which of the following statements best describes the elaborate style of communication?

 This is purely goal-oriented communication style  The use of rich, expressive and embellished language is everyday conversations  The use of racist and sexthe use of racist and sexist languageist language  Strictly reserved for personal/private communication


Many media scholars argue that media do not operate in a vacuum. This means that...

 Media produce the same content all over the world, regardless of different cultures  Children make different meanings about media shows they watch  Media are always tied to political and economic systems  Media are never a part of society, they are isolated from it


According to John Berry’s model of acculturation, immigrants are confronted with two basic issues. Which of the following best summarizes these issues?

 Learning how to overcome culture shock and the difficulties of adopting a new culture  The maintenance of their cultural heritage and maintenance of relationships with their host countries  Learning how to reconstruct their identity and minimizing their home cultural impact when communicating with host country nationals  Adjustment to new friends and adjustment to the host culture


Group differences in values, beliefs, morals, and attitudes may lead to prejudice against members of out-groups. Which of the following domains in integrated theta theory does this statement best characterize?

 Symbolic threat  Intergroup anxiety  Realistic threat  Negative stereotypes


What is Monochronic time?

Monochronic time is linear. Events are scheduled one at a time, with one event following another. In a monochronic culture, this type of schedule may take precedence over interpersonal relationships. These cultures emphasize schedules, punctuality, and preciseness. They also emphasize “doing” things.

Which of the following is characteristic of Monochronic time?

Monochronic time has the following characteristics: Strict schedules: Monochronic cultures tend to closely follow schedules. Missing one planned event can interfere with the schedule, leading to missing more events. Punctuality: Punctuality is important to monochronic cultures.

Which of the following best describes Polychronic time?

What statement best describes polychromic time orientation? Time is not tangible, multiple activities can be performed simultaneously, little emphasis on scheduling.

Which of the following is considered a Monochronic culture?

North American and North European countries are monochronic societies where business managers typically divide work schedules into sequential chunks. Arab, African, South American and Asian countries are typically more accepting of changes in schedules because they are polychronic cultures.