Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective

A Gini Coefficient of 0 represents which of the following?


A multi-dimensional measure of poverty include includes which of the following elements?


As defined by the 1987 UN World Commission on Environment and Development, which of the following best describes sustainable development?


On Figure 1, which line on the Lorenz curve represents a country with the highest level of inequality?

Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective


On Figure 2, what is the name of Line D in the Lorenz curve model?

Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective


The Gini Coefficient for a country is 0.8. What can one conclude about the income distribution in this country?


The Gini Coefficient is calculated by finding which of the following?


True or False. For any two countries, the one with the bigger per capita GDP will have a more equitable distribution of income.


True or False. Population growth is higher in high income countries rather than in low income countries.


True or False. Sustainability is principally a national issue and is not an international or global one.


True or False. There is a strong positive correlation between economic growth and poverty.


True or False. There is not enough food produced in the world to feed the world's population.


What change in the economy is associated with postindustrialization?


What percentage of the world population does the developing world constitute?


Which of the following best represents Adam Smith’s view of laissez faire?


Which of the following countries in the Americas is least developed?


Which of the following describes why income inequality is bad for economic development?


Which of the following factors tend not to lead to a decrease in population growth?


Which of the following indicates a classification which does not determine a country’s level of development?


Which of the following is a goal of economic development?


Which of the following statements best describes the social and political system of a feudal society?


According to neo-classical theory, what changes will lead to a shift out in long-run aggregate supply?


According to the Neo-Marxists, what dynamic reinforces underdevelopment?


According to the Romer model, if the stock of ideas increases by 15 %, by how much will output per worker increase, when all else is equal?


Complete the following sentence. Marx believed that economic development should be led by:


Complete the following sentence. The Romer model falls into a class of growth models in which the key determinants of economic growth are.


Fill in the blanks. In the Solow model, if net investment is positive, then the economy is ___________ its steady state level, and output growth is ___________.


For neo-classical theorists, economic under-development is the product of which of the following?


For Rostow, which of the following constitute pre-conditions for take-off?


Given constant returns to labor, if 2 workers produced 14,000 bales of hay, how many bales of hay would 5 workers produce?


How might a government try to increase output, if the government is to follow the suggestions of the Harrod-Domar model?


How would Lewis describe the traditional agricultural sector?


If $20 worth of capital equipment produces each $5 of annual output, then what is the capital to output ratio?


If you double the inputs K and L, what will happen to the output Y?


Important beliefs of the structuralist school include which of the following?


In the Lewis model, what does the term “surplus labor” refer to?


In the Lewis model, what will cause an expansion in modern sector employment?


In the resource constraint equation (see Figure 4), what does Lat signify?

Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective


In the Solow Growth model, if we start from a steady state and there is no change in savings/investment, then what will result from a permanent increase in the rate of depreciation?


In the Solow model, how might we express the economic meaning of the vertical gap between the investment curve and the depreciation curve as indicated in Figure 3?

Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective


In the Solow model, if a country is in the steady state, an earthquake causes wide-spread destruction of the capital stock, and there is no change in the level of savings or depreciation, then this will result in which of the following?


In the Solow model, if an economy experiences an increase in the investment rate and an increase in the depreciation rate at the same time, then what will be the result?


In the steady state, which country will have the higher per capita consumption, and why?

Choose one answer.

a. B will have the higher per capita consumption, because it is devoting more of its output to consumption and less to saving.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
b. B will have the higher per capita consumption, because it will have a higher capital stock per worker, a higher output per worker, and thus a higher consumption per worker.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
c. A will have the higher per capita consumption, because it will have a higher capital stock per worker, a higher output per worker, and thus a higher consumption per worker.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
d. A will have the higher per capita consumption, because it will have a lower capital stock per worker, a lower output per worker, and thus a higher consumption per worker.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
e. Both A and B will have the same consumption per worker, because they both have equal capital stock per worker, output per worker, and consumption per worker.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective



The Dependencia theory has its roots in what region of the world?


The faster the population grows, the more labor there will be to produce goods and services, so faster population growth is good for economic growth. Why may this not be true according to the Solow model?


The Harrod-Domar growth model is based on the relationship of what two economic elements?


The Lewis model works as long as which of the following holds true?


True or False. Import-substitution led to the development of many highly competitive industries in the countries which implemented it.


True or False. Lenin believed that imperialism would delay the final crisis that will cause capitalism to collapse.


True or False. Neo-classical economists believe that government-led development is the most effective path.


True or False. The Neo-Marxists believed that developing countries must pass through advanced capitalism before moving on to socialism.


True or False. The structuralists did not support capitalism.


Using the formula in Figure 5 for the idea production function, if z = 0.01, l = 0.10, and N = 25, what is the growth rate of the stock of ideas?

Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective


What are the three stages in Fisher Clark’s theory of structural change?

Choose one answer.

a. Primal organization, medieval organization, and industrial organization
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
b. Tribal order, preparation for take-off, and take-off
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
c. Primary production, secondary production, and tertiary production
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
d. Primary production, industrial production, and take-off production
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
e. Industrial organization, tribal organization, and primal organization
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective



What does it mean in the Romer model when it says that there are constant returns to labor?


What does the Romer model include that allows an economy to sustain growth over time (holding savings constant) that the Solow model does not?


Which of the following accurately describes a criticism of the Lewis model?


Which of the following accurately describes a criticism of the Harrod-Domar model?


Which of the following accurately describes a criticism of Rostow’s stages of development model?


Which of the following accurately describes the belief of the Dependencia school regarding the effect of trade on developing countries?


Which of the following accurately describes the economic reasons behind industrialization?


Which of the following is a criticism against the neo-classical school?


Which of the following is a stage in Rostow’s stages of development theory?


Which of the following is a tactic suggested by the structuralist school to promote economic growth and development?


Which of the following is central to Marx’s economic theory of labor?


Which of the following is not a tenet of the Dependencia school?


Which of the following schools was a proponent of import-substitution industrialization?


Which school of thought believes that a major impediment to development comes from the dualistic nature of underdeveloped economies (where a modern sector dependent on developed countries for technology exists side by side with a traditional sector)?


Why is it difficult for developing countries to join the “knowledge revolution”?


According to Fukuyama, the “radius of trust” can be which of the following?


According to the earlier proponents of the big push strategy for development, a “big push” in investment is necessary in developing countries because of which of the following reasons?


According to the World Bank, why is social capital so important for the poor?


According to Williamson’s Hierarchy of Institutions (in the New Institutional Economics School), which of the following can be considered to be institutions?


Complete the following sentence. According to Francis Fukuyama, social capital can be defined as:


Complete the following statement. According to Sen, South Korea is more developed than North Korea, because South Koreans have:

Choose one answer.

a. political freedoms, economic facilities, social opportunities, transparency guarantees, and protective securities.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
b. economic freedoms, religious freedoms, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, and free association.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
c. free movement of goods and services, freedom from oppression by the government, freedom to start and close a business, freedom from undue taxation, and freedom from over-regulation.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
d. political restrictions, religious restrictions, and social restrictions.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
e. economic freedoms, social freedoms, and political restrictions.
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective



How does Fukuyama suggest that social capital is formed?


How does Mohammad Younis’ microfinance scheme respond to adverse selection problems in microfinance?


How does Sen define poverty?


In New Institutional Economics, what is meant by the principal-agent problem?


In New Institutional Economics, which of the following is an example of “transaction costs,” which institutions can help to resolve?


In the model presented by Sachs et al., what was the effect of adding share of imported intermediate inputs in final demand?


More recent calls for a “big push” strategy are concerned with which of the following?


True or False. There is a clear positive relationship between population density and per capita income.


What economic function does social capital play?


What is meant by the term “neighborhood effects,” in the 2009 World Development report?


What is the most important contribution to economic growth theory offered by New Institutional Economics?


What problem does the New Institutional Economics school suggest can arise when performance based measures are implemented (such as rewarding teachers for high test scores) to resolve the principal-agent problem?


What variable do Sachs et al. add to the Harrod-Domar model to look at the relationship between income growth and geography?


What “poverty trap” or “vicious circle of poverty” did Nurkse famously describe in 1953?


What, according to Amartya Sen, is the principal end of development?


Which of the following behaviors is evidence of social capital?


Which of the following benefits might social capital provide to political development?


Which of the following is a problem that some critics have with Sen’s capability approach?


Which of the following is included in the three dimensions of geographical transformations for economic development, as defined in the 2009 World Development Report?

Choose one answer.

a. Density, distance, and division
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
b. Productivity, power, and populism
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
c. Region, mineral richness, and roads
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
d. Education, history of dominance, and diversity
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective
e. Power, education, and diversity
Which of the following statements best describes the neoclassical perspective



Why does Fukuyama argue that social capital can have negative externalities?


China’s economic development progress can accurately be described by which economic development model?


Fill in the blanks. Economic development is a(n) __________ process which can at best be explained by ____________.


Fill in the blanks. Many economic development theories focus on quantifiable factors such as ________, which are necessary for economic development but not ________. This suggests that there are some other important non-easily quantifiable factors such as __________, which are often ignored.


In the Mozambique study on achieving shared growth, which of the following are cited as key factors of success?


True or False. It is only after a country has developed that the factors that led to development can be clearly delineated.


Which of the following major risks was cited in the Sierra Leone case study on rebuilding local governments?


Which of the following were success factors of the Mali rural electrification case study?


Which statement describes the neoclassical perspective?

In the neoclassical perspective, aggregate demand will determine output at potential GDP, unemployment is determined by the natural rate of unemployment churned out by the forces of supply and demand in the labor market, and shifts in aggregate supply are the primary determinant of changes in the price level.

Which of the following statements is correct about neoclassical economists?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is d. All of the above. According to the Neoclassical economists, increasing investment is the only way to grow fast in the long-term.

What is the best explanation for the slope of the neoclassical zone?

What is the best explanation for the slope of the neoclassical zone of the aggregate supply curve? An increase in aggregate demand when the economy is operating at potential output causes the price level to rise, with little or no effect on real output.

What is an accurate comparison of the Keynesian and neoclassical perspectives quizlet?

Keynesian economics tends to view inflation as a price that might sometimes be paid for lower unemployment; neoclassical economics tends to view inflation as a cost that offers no offsetting gains in terms of lower unemployment. Keynesian and long-term neoclassical models is not easy.