Which statement best describes the difference between health promotion and disease prevention?


Determinants of health encompass a wide range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that impact the health status of individuals or populations. The following are all determinants of health: social environment, economic environment, physical environment, a person's individual characteristics and behaviors, income and social status, education, social support networks, genetics, health services, gender.

What is the difference between health promotion and disease prevention?

While health promotion aims at improving/promoting health and resources (salutogenesis), prevention focuses on avoiding disease and its associated risk factors.

What is the basis for the difference between health promotion and health protection?

These authors describe health promotion as the motivation to change behaviour in order to enhance well-being and reach one's optimal health potential. In contrast, the motivation for health protection is to avoid disease, to screen for early detection, and to restore health following illness.

Which statement best describes a difference between primary prevention and secondary prevention?

Primary prevention seeks to promote health and prevent disease from occurring. Secondary prevention includes interventions designed to increase the likelihood that a person with a disease will be diagnosed early enough so that treatment may result in a cure.

What are the benefits of health promotion and disease prevention?

Health promotion and disease prevention programs can empower individuals to make healthier choices and reduce their risk of disease and disability. At the population level, they can eliminate health disparities, improve quality of life, and improve the availability of healthcare and related services.