Which type of entrepreneur utilizes a chance to introduce a new technique or new product?

Entrepreneurship Development Multiple Choice Questions

1. To plane and manage all the resources of the organization —– systems are used
1. ERP
2. BOM
3. MRP
4. all of the above

2. ERP systems set of generic processes, produce the dramatic improvements that they are capable of only when used to connect parts of an organization and integrate its various processes seamlessly.
1. True
2. False

3. ERP packages were targeted at the manufacturing industry and consisted mainly of functions for —– and managing core business.
1. Advertisement
2. Marketing
3. Planning
4. Controlling

4. ERP was historically developed from the methods of —–
1. BOM
2. IT
3. MRP and MRP-II
4. none of the above

5. The attraction of information integration meant for —–
1. CEO
2. CFO
3. ERP Vendors
4. All of the above

6. Application area of ERP markets are
1. Share market
2. Mergers and acquisitions for strategic
3. competition
4. all of the above

7. Industry analysis is forecasting growth rates of ERP more than —– for at least the next five years.
1. 38%
2. 30%
3. 60%
4. 45%

8. ERP stands for
1. Enterprise Resource Planning
2. Energy Resource Planning
3. Enterprises Recovery Planning
4. Enterprises Resource plane

9. ERP system gets the right information at the right time to the right people
1. true
2. false

10. ERP software also provides for the analysis of an organization’s data for the purpose of
1. planning2.
2. production
3. forecasting sales, analyzing quality
4. All of the above

11. ERP is a collection of software programs which ties together all of an enterprise’s various functions
1. HR
2. Finance
3. Manufacturing & sales
4. All of the above

12. The main reason for the popularity of ERP is the efficiency that an ERP system brings into an organization in the areas of —–that can be used for long-term planning.
1. Analysis and reporting
2. Controlling
3. Mgmt.
4. Planning

13. An enterprise may be defined as an organization of people that uses technology and carries out predefined process to deliver
1. products
2. services
3. All of the above
4. None of the above

14. ERP provides support to the enterprise for achievement of it’s —– by building up an integrated system enabling planning and mgmt. of its resources.
1. business plan
2. strategies
3. All of the above
4. None of the above

15. ERP comprises a number of modules that permits flow of information seamlessly from one to another, avoiding redundant work and ensuring accuracy of data and instant updation to assist decision making.
1. true
2. false

16. ERP does not follow back-office (Internal) and front-office concepts (external means customer-orientation)
1. true
2. false

17. An enterprise model is build around the following 4 productive resources.
1. People & Processes
2. Technology
3. All are correct
4. Product / Services

18. Management information system is an open, purposive system that produces information using the —–
1. Input process
2. Output process
3. Input-process-output cycle
4. all of the above

19. The elements of information system consists of —–
1. people
2. procedures
3. data
4. all of the above

20. An information system is an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communication networks and data resources that —–In an organization
1. Disseminates
2. collects
3. collates , transforms
4. all of the above

21. Management Information system also called Information-reporting systems
1. true
2. false

22. MIS produce information products that support many of the —– decision making needs of the management.
1. day-to-day
2. strategic
3. operational
4. both 1 and 3 are correct

23. In ERP responses are produced by managers in the form of —–
1. Reports
2. charts
3. graphs
4. all of the above

24. CALS stands for
1. Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics support
2. Common-Aided Acquisition and Logistics support
3. Computer-Animated Acquisition and Logistics support
4. Computer-Aided Acquisition and Language support

25. An Enterprise is a group of people with a common goal which has certain resources at its disposal to achieve that goal.
1. true
2. false

26. —– is one of the first activities in any ERP project
1. Modeling
2. Business Modeling
3. Financial control
4. planning

27. The information system must have the characteristics —–
1. accuracy
2. relevancy
3. timeliness
4. all of the above

28.In business modeling, we model the business as an integrated system, taking the processes managing its facilities and —– as a resources.
1. technology
2. Materials
3. all of the above
4. none of the above

29. In ERP implementation, one of the most frequently asked questions is “How much is it going to cost” The answer is that
1. it depends
2. automization of work
3. different phases
4. all of the above

30.ERP provides decision making support system
1. timely
2. better decisions
3. all of the above
4. none of the above

31.ERP ensures material control and helps in avoiding —– redundancy
1. materials shortages
2. cost
3. quality
4. none of the above

32. ERP helps to ensure Quality, cash and fund mgmt to increase —–
1. productivity
2. reduction of cost
3. better control
4. all of the above

33. —– allows the latest technological developments like internet / intranet, E-commerce.
1. A & D
2. DB2
3. CAD
4. ERP

34. ERP systems by virtue of their integrated nature and by the use of latest technologies like EDI reduce the —– time and make it possible for the organization to have the items at the time they are needed that is just in time inventory system.
1. lag
2. lead
3. turnaround
4. current

35. EDI stands for —–
1. Electronic Digital interchange
2. Electronic Data interchange
3. E-mail Digital interchange
4. E-mail Data interchange

36. Using —– system, business can gain effective control over engineering change orders
1. ECC
2. ERP
3. ECO
4. EDI

37. The company can define the authorization steps for approving and implementing an Engineering change order (ECO) When these steps are completed, the —–system automatically implements the change in the production database
1. ECC
2. ERP
3. ECO
4. EDI

38. ERP systems are designed to help your company —– by providing link between engineering and production information.
1. trimming data transfer time
2. reduce error
3. increase design productivity
4. all of the above

39. The ERP systems help in automating the task and make the inventory mgmt more efficient and effective
1. true
2. false

40. EFT stands for —–
1. Electronic fund transmission
2. E-MAIL fund transfer
3. Electronic frequent transfer
4. Electronic funds transfer

41. Resources included are ___, ___&materials and all the other things that are required to run the enterprises.
1. Money, Manpower
2. Material , Manpower
3. Money , Material
4. None of the Above

42. Integrity, Innovation & Initiative is a part of Three T – philosophy.
1) True
2) False

43. A —– is a network of facilities and distribution options that transform the function of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished goods?
1. On-line analytical processing
2. On-line Transaction processing
3. Supply chain mgmt
4. none of the above

44. OLAP can be defined in five words —–
1. Fast analysis of shared multidimensional information
2. Frequent analysis of shared multidimensional information
3. Fast analysis of secretive multidimensional information
4. Fast analysis of shared memory information

45. —– is a way to —– the data & processes of an organization into one single system.
1. ERP, Integrate
2. Integrate, Planning
3. None of the above

46. OLAP is stands for on- line Analytical processing.
1. True
2. False

47. A DSS is designed to address —– & —–
1. Semi-Structured & Unstructured
2. Structured & Semi Unstructured
3. None of the above

48. The line dividing —– & —– is very thin.
1. DSS & EIS
2. DSS & MIS
3. EIS & MIS

49. —– is the process of identifying valid novel, —– useful and ultimately comprehensible information from databases that is used to make crucial business decision.
1. Data mining & potentially
2. Data volume & potentially
3. None of the above

50. —– technology is being used in an increasingly wide range of application —– is refined data that is accurate timely & relevant to the user.
1) OLAP & Information
2) OLAP & Multidimensional
3) None of the above

51. Supply chains exist in both —– & —– organizations, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from the industry to industry & firm to firm.
1. Service & Manufacturing
2. Manufacturing & Organization
3. None of the above

52. A —– defines the relationship of components to end items. An —– system requires three types of information, MPS, BOM, and IR.
3. None of the above

53. —– system allows you to manage your stock on a quantity & value basis, plan enter & check any goods movements & carry out —– inventory.
1. Inventory management, geographical
2. Inventory management , Physical
3. Geographical & physical

54. Goods movements include both —– movements & —– movements of inventory items.
1. In & Out
2. External & Internal
3. None of the above

55. —– products feature a sophistication & robustness unmatched by other business software solution. The —– systems help in automating this task & thus make the inventory management more efficient & effective.

56. Which phase is the phase of real training?
a. Initial phase
b. Training phase
c. Post-training phase
d. Follow up phase
Answer: b

57. “Seed Capital Scheme” is being operated by?
Answer: a

58. Calcutta “Y” Self- Employment Centre targets unemployed youths between?
a. 18 to 30 years
b. 16 to 25 years
c. 18 to 25 years
d. 20 to 30 years
Answer: a

59. In the 1995 – 96 periods what percentage of the total entrepreneurs were women entrepreneurs?
a. 10 %
b. 11.2%
c. 13%
d. 9%
Answer: b

60. Why the majority of women are unaware of technological developments?
a. Low-risk bearing ability
b. Low mobility
c. Lack of education
d. Low need for achievement
Answer: c

61. Which of the following is a remedy to solve the problems of women entrepreneurs?
a. Social attitude
b. Finance cells
c. Stiff Competition
d. Supervision
Answer: b

62. When was the “Yashaswini Programme” held in Mysore?
a. November 2000
b. July 2001
c. June 2002
d. November 2001
Answer: d

63. What is the analytical study of the end products and by-product can throw light on new product ideas?
a. Emerging technologies
b. Market characteristics
c. Social and economic trends
d. Product profile
Answer: d

64. Who manufactured “Sumeet” mixies to suit Indian conditions?
a. Manohar Kumar Mathur
b. Satya Prakash Mathur
c. Mridula Kumar Mathur
d. Prakash Kumar Mathur
Answer: b

65. What can be defined as an attractive project idea which an entrepreneur accepts as a basis for his investment decision?
a. Possibility
b. Business
c. Opportunity
d. Notion
Answer: c

66. What is a two-way exchange process in which the needs and wants of the buyer and seller are satisfied?
a. Marketing
b. Selling
c. Producing
d. Accounting
Answer: a

67. Which phase starts after the investment decision is taken?
a. Normalisation phase
b. Construction phase
c. Pre-investment phase
d. Product identification phase
Answer: b

68. What provides all the necessary information of the unit proposed to be set-up for the manufacture of a product or rendering a service?
a. Project description
b. Project appraisal
c. Project implementation schedule
d. Project report
Answer: d

69. BEP = (F/(S-V)) x 100
What does F stand for?
a. Fixed sales
b. Fixed cost
c. Finished stock
d. Final output
Answer: b

70. Which statement gives a projection of future sources of cash and their applications?
a. Cash flow statement
b. Fund flow statement
c. Income statement
d. Balance sheet
Answer: a

71. In long term capital, the repayment of money is arranged for what time period?
a. Within 1 year
b. More than 2 years
c. More than 7 years
d. More than 5 years
Answer: d

72. Ownership capital is also known as?
a. Debt
b. Equity
c. Loan
d. Mortgage
Answer: b

73. To whom does the company pay interest?
a. Shareholder
b. Customer
c. Debenture holder
d. Creditor
Answer: c

74. When was the first SFC (State Financial Corporation) set up in Punjab?
a. 1950
b. 1958
c. 1953
d. 1960
Answer: c

75. When was Small Scale Industries Board constituted?
a. 1958
b. 1960
c. 1953
d. 1954
Answer: d

76. Which type of industrial estates is called conventional industrial estates?
a. General type of industrial estate
b. Special type industrial estate
c. Ancillary industrial estate
d. Workshop bay
Answer: a

77. Government industrial estates come under which type of classification?
a. Variant
b. Objective
c. Functional
d. Organizational
Answer: d

78. Under Section 80J of the Income Tax act, 1961 new industrial undertakings are exempted from the payment of income tax on their profits subject maximum of what percentage of their capital employed?
a. 5%
b. 6%
c. 10%
d. 15%
Answer: b

79. Rehabilitation allowance is granted under which section of the Income Tax Act, 1961?
a. 30-B
b. 80-C
c. 32-D
d. 33-B
Answer: d

80. When was the investment allowance introduced?
a. 1970
b. 1961
c. 1967
d. 1976
Answer: d

81. IPR stands for?
a. Industrial Policy Resolutions
b. Industrial Protection Resolutions
c. Independent Policy Reforms
d. Income Plan Rewards
Answer: a

82. When was the policy titled” Policy Measures for Promoting and Strengthening and Supplementing Small, Tiny and Village Enterprises” tabled in the Parliament?
a. July 6, 1990
b. August 28, 1992
c. August 6, 1991
d. June 15, 1991
Answer: c

83. National Programme for Rural Industrialization has been announced with a mission to set up how many rural clusters every year?
a. 150
b. 200
c. 250
d. 100
Answer: d

84. “Quality is fitness for use or purpose” said by:
a. Philip B. Crosby
b. Joseph M. Juran
c. W. Edwards Deming
d. ISO
Answer: b

85. What refers to managing continuous improvement and does not address any specific organizational level?
a. Quality
b. Administration
c. Management
d. People
Answer: c

86. What is the fourth element involved in TQM?
a. Processes
b. Team Work
c. Continuous Improvement
d. Customer Satisfaction
Answer: b

87. What breeds personal initiative?
a. Empowerment
b. Consensus
c. Teamwork
d. Organization
Answer: a

88. In which stage the business expands by way of opening its branches?
a. Startup stage
b. Growth stage
c. Expansion stage
d. Maturity stage
Answer: c

89. Which form of growth of the business is diversification?
a. External
b. Vertical
c. Horizontal
d. Internal
Answer: a

90. When two or more enterprises merge into one to form a new enterprise, what is it called?
a. Absorption
b. Amalgamation
c. Joint Venture
d. Franchising
Answer: b

91. ___ says that entrepreneurship is a ___ activity.
a. Fredrick Harbison & creative
b. Fredrick Harbison & innovative
c. Schumpeter & creative
d. Schumpeter & innovative
Answer: c

92. Which of the following is not a quality of a successful entrepreneur as specified by Mc Clelland?
a. He is endowed with unusual creativeness
b. He has a high degree of ambition
c. He is enriched by a high propensity
d. He has also a strong need for achievement.
Answer: b

93. The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development has trained around ___ youths in ___ programmes till 1987 April.
a. 300, 14
b. 500, 20
c. 200, 10
d. 400,13
Answer: d

94. Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organisation Ltd. gives ___ and ___ training to entrepreneurs.
a. Technical and managerial
b. Vocational and technical
c. Managerial and administrative
d. Financial and technical
Answer: a

95. According to Frederick Harbison, which of the following is not a function of a women entrepreneur?
a. Explore the prospects of starting new enterprises.
b. Co-ordination, administration and control
c. The power to resist criticism
d. Supervision and providing leadership in all aspects of the business.
Answer: c

96. Which of the following is not a source of idea for an entrepreneur?
a. Cost of the project
b. Product profile
c. Imports and exports
d. Emerging technologies
Answer: a

97. While doing a market survey for raw material availability, which of the following should be considered?
a. Existing brand loyalties and consumption pattern
b. Leading suppliers and time for order execution
c. Market strategy and advertising
d. Major manufacturers and machinery delivery schedules
Answer: b

98. According to Peter Drucker, which of the following is not a kind of opportunity?
a. Breakthrough
b. Additive
c. Complementary
d. Market
Answer: d

99. Debt-Service Coverage ratio = Net profit after tax + ___ + interest for one year/___ + interest for one year
a. Depreciation and sales
b. Depreciation and capital employed
c. Equity and instalment
d. Depreciation and instalment
Answer: d

100. On the basis of permanence, the financial needs are classified into :
a. Fixed & working capital
b. Long term & fixed capital
c. Short term & fixed capital
d. Long term & short term capital
Answer: a

101. An optimum capital structure can be defined as a financing mix incurring the ___ cost but yielding the ___ results.
a. Least & maximum
b. Maximum & least
c. Least & minimum
d. Maximum & minimum
Answer: a

102. The term “export finance” refers to ___ facilities and techniques of ___ at the pre-shipment and post-shipment stages.
a. Debit & payment
b. Credit & payment
c. Credit & collection
d. Credit & debit
Answer: b

103. On the basis of the organizational set – up, industrial estates are classified into:
a. Private industrial estates & functional industrial estates
b. Functional industrial estates & the workshop bay
c. Municipal industrial estates & private industrial estates
d. Functional industrial estates & Municipal industrial estates
Answer: c

104. In order to become eligible for tax concession, the small scale industries need to employ at least ___ & ___ workers in a manufacturing process carried on with and without the aid of power respectively.
a. 10 & 20
b. 20 & 10
c. 10 & 30
d. 20 & 30
Answer: a

105. Section 80M of the Income Tax Act,1961, provides for deductions in respect of:
a. Royalties from any company in India & Inter-corporate dividends
b. Inter-corporate dividends & Income of Co-operative Societies
c. Income of Co-operative Societies & Royalties from any company in India
d. Royalties from any company in India & Royalties from certain foreign companies
Answer: a

106. The IPR 1956 for SSI aimed at :
a. Protection plus Growth
b. Protection plus Development
c. Protection plus Promotion
d. Promotion plus Development
Answer: b

107. The main thrust of the Seventh Plan was ___ and not ___.
a. Reservation & competition
b. Development & competition
c. Competition & reservation
d. Advancement & reservation
Answer: c

108. Quality is a ___determination, not the ___ determination.
a. Manufacturer’s & Customer’s
b. Seller’s & Customer’s
c. Customer’s & Manufacturer’s
d. Seller’s & Buyer’s
Answer: c

109. TQM is a philosophy where the approach is ___ and ___.
a. Human & scientific
b. Behavioural & Scientific
c. Behavioural & Human
d. Systematic & Human
Answer: c

110. Sub – contracting is a ___ beneficially ___ relationship between two companies.
a. Exclusively & Traditional
b. Mutually & Commercial
c. Mutually & Traditional
d. In exclusively & Commercial
Answer: b

111. ___ is a person responsible for setting up a business.
1. Entrepreneur
2. Businessman
3. Manager
4. Planner
Answer: 1

112. Entrepreneurship involves mobilizing the resources & combining them to initiate change in production. T/F
Answer: T

113. Entrepreneurs are Risk Bearers. T/F
Answer: T

114. The entrepreneur always introduces something new or can be an imitator. T/F
Answer: T

115. Individual Entrepreneur and Institutional Entrepreneurs are different. T/F
Answer: T

116. Industrial Entrepreneur is a person who demonstrates his innovative skill in organizing a corporate undertaking. T/F
Answer: F

117. Entrepreneur of large scale business like Tata, Birla, Etc are Instigated Entrepreneur T/F
Answer: F

118. An induced Entrepreneur is one who is induced to take up an entrepreneurial activity due to policy measures of the government to start a new venture. T/F
Answer: T.

119.An Entrepreneur is different from a manager T/F
Answer: T

120.Bank Overdraft is a source of short term Finance T/F
Answer: T

121. Trade Credits are a source of Long term Finance T/F
Answer: F

122. Borrowing of large money at a rate of interest fairly higher than the actual rate of return on its capital employed is a cause of overcapitalization T/F
Answer: T

123. To reduce the claims of shareholders, debentures holders & creditors is a remedial measure for over-Capitalization. T/F
Answer: T

124. IFCW stands for ___
1. International Finance Company, Washington.
2. International Finance Corporation, Washington.
3. Intercompany Finance Corporation, Washington.
4. International Federal Corporation, Washington.
Answer: 2

125. EICI stands for___
1. Export Inspector of Council of India
2. Export Inspection Company of India
3. Export Inspection Council of India
4. Export Investigation Council of India
Answer: 3

126. ECGC stands for ___
1. Export Credit & Guarantee Company
2. Export Company & Guarantee Corporation
3. Export Credit & Guarantee Collaboration
4. Export Credit & Guarantee Corporation
Answer: 4

127. SIDO stands for ___
1. Small Industries Developing Organization
2. Small Industries Development Organization
3. Short Industries Development Organization
4. Small Industries Deployment Organization
Answer: 2

128. DIC stands for ______
1. Disassembled Industries Centers
2. District Industries Collaboration
3. District Industries Centers
4. Developing Industries Centers
Answer: 3

129. NIESBUD stands for ___
1. National Institution for Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development
2. National Institute for Enterprise & Small Business Development
3. National Institute for Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development
4. National Institute for Entrepreneurship & Small Businessman Development
Answer: 3

130. XISS stands for ___
1. Xavious Institute of Social Service
2. Xavier Institute of Social Service
3. Xavier Institute of Socializing Service
4. Xavier Institution of Social Service
Answer: 2

131. MPCO stands for ___
1. Madhya Pradesh Company for Organization Ltd.
2. Madhya Pradesh Consultant for Organization Ltd.
3. Middle Planning Consultancy Organization Ltd.
4. Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organization Ltd.
Answer: 4

132. CYSEC stands for ___
1. Calcutta ‘Yes’ Self-employment Centre.
2. Calcutta ‘Y’ Self-employment Centre.
3. Calcutta ‘Y’ Self-employment Company.
4. Calcutta ‘Y’ Service-employment Centre.
Answer: 2

133. IDBI stands for ___
1. Industry Development Bank of India
2. Industrial Development Bank of Investment
3. Industrial Development by Bank of India
4. Industrial Development Bank of India
Answer: 4

134. The term “Entrepreneur” has been derived from the word “entreprendre” which me
a. To give
b. To undertake
c. To choose
d. To decide
Answer: b

135. TCO stands for ___
1. Tata Consultancy Organization
2. Technical Company Organization
3. Technical Configured Organization
4. Technical Consultancy Organization
Answer: 4

136. EGB stands for ___
1. Enterprise Development Bureau
2. Entrepreneurial deli censing Bank
3. Entrepreneurial Development Bureau
4. Entrepreneur Development Bureau
Answer: 3

137. CED stands for ___
1. Centre for Enterprise Development
2. Consultancy for entrepreneurship Development
3. Centre for entrepreneurship Deployment
4. Centre for entrepreneurship Development
Answer: 4

138. SIET stands for ___
1. Small Industries Extension & Training Enterprise
2. Small Industries Extension & Training Institute
3. Small Industries Extension & Training Institute
4. Small Investment Expansion & Trading Institute
Answer: 2

139. RCF stands for ___
1. Revising Capital foundation
2. Remedial Capital foundation
3. Risk Capital foundation
4. Risk Capital formation
Answer: 3

140. DGTD stands for ___
1. Directing Guidelines of Technical Development
2. Directorate General of Training & Development
3. Directorate General of Technical Development
4. Directorate Governor of Technical Development
Answer: 3

141. IIC stands for ___
1. Investment Institution Centre
2. Indian Investment Company
3. Indian Investment Centre
4. Indian Investment Corporation
Answer: 3

142. ICICI stands for ____
1. Industrial Company & Investment Corporation of India Limited
2. Industrial Corporation & Investment Company of India Limited
3. Industrial Credit & Investment Corporation of India Limited
4. Investment Credit & Investment Corporation of India Limited
Answer: 3

143. Who toke the lead to extend financial assistance to small-scale industries
1. SBI
4. None of the above
Answer: 1

144. which act was passed by parliament on September 28,1951
1. State Funds for Corporation Act
2.State Finance Company Act
3. State Finance Corporation Act
4. Small Finance Corporation Act
Answer: 3

145. The LIC was established under the LIC Act in
1. 1954
2. 1950
3. 1956
4. None of the above
Answer: 3

146. ____ Capitalization signifies a situation when an enterprise possesses an excess assets in relation to its requirement.
1. Under
2. Over
3. Actual
4. proper
Answer: 2

147. To split up the shares of the enterprise is a remedial measure for ___ Capitalization
1. Over
2. Under
3. Actual
4. None of the above
Answer: 2

148. TQI, SQM, TQC are various names for TQM. T/F
Answer: T

149 TQM & ISO 9000 both focus on customer satisfaction. T/F
Answer: F

150. Is Diversification a costly proposition? T/F
Answer: T

151. In which state of India, the standard of education is highest?
a. Tamil Nadu
b. Andhra Pradesh
c. Kerala
d. Karnataka
Answer: c

152. “Seed Capital Scheme” has been operated by
1. SBI
4. None of the above
Answer: 2

153. An ___ in a tract of land which is subdivided and developed according to a comprehensive plan for the use of a community of industrial enterprises.
1. Industrial plan
2. Industrial Estate
3. Industrial unit
4. None of the above
Answer: 2

154. ___ signifies a situation when an enterprise process excess assets in relation to its requirement.
1. Over capitalization
2. profit
3. proper capitalization
4. Actual capitalization
Answer: 1

155. The small sector was classified into three categories by IRP 1977
1.Cottage & household industries, Tiny Sector, small-scale industries.
2.Cottage & household industries, large, small-scale industries.
3.Cotton & household industries, Tiny Sector, small-scale industries.
4. Household industries, Tiny Sector, small-scale industries.
Answer: 1

156. Engineering expenses related to the business & legal charges are examples of ___
1. Preliminary Expenses
2. Functional Expenses
3. Operational expenses
4. None Answer: 1

157. On the basis of organization set-Up, the following are the type of Industrial estate
1. Government, Public, cooperative, Municipal Industrial estate
2. Government, Private, cooperative, Municipal Industrial estate
3. Government, Public, cooperative, Municipal Industrial estate
4. Government, Private, public, Municipal Industrial estate
Answer: 2

158. Capital is arranged from Internal sources refers to the owner’s own money known as
1. Profit
2. Capital
3. Equity
4. None of the above
Answer: 3

159. _____ is usually done by a financial institution which besides making an analysis of cost & benefits of a proposed project assesses the project from the various aspects of an investment proposition before extending finance.
1. Project planning
2. Project appraisal
3. Project costing
4. none of the above
Answer: 2

160. According to Peter F. Drucker, there are three kinds of opportunities
1. Additive, Complementary, Breakthrough
2. Additive, Complementary, Supplementary
3. Additive, Complementary, Breakthrough
4. Additional, Complementary, Breakthrough
Answer: 3

161. EDP concentrates its attention to give motivation, awareness to all citizens & create favourable & healthy environment. T/F
Answer: F

162. The manager needs to process distinct qualification and also bears all the risk involved in the enterprise. T/F
Answer: F

163. ___ is not the trait of entrepreneurs.
2. Decision making
3. Skilful management
4. None of the above

164. SIDO was established in.
1. 1995
2. 1991
Answer: 3

165. IPR 1956 re-emphasized the spirit of IPR 1980. T/F
Ans. F

166. IPR ___ initiated the modern SSI in India.
1. 1956
2. 1952
3. 1990

167.The main objective of setting up DICs was to promote under a single roof all the services & support required by small & village entrepreneurs. This scheme was introduced in May ___
1. 1970
2. 1975
3. 1978
4. None of the above
Answer: 3

168. MODVAT is to shift the burden of excise taxation away from inputs on to their final products. T/F
Ans. T

169. Diversification is an example of Internal growth strategy & Merger is an example of an External growth strategy. T/F
Answer: T

170. Which is not the content of the Project Report?
1. Transport
2. Products
3. Communication
4. All the above

171. Entrepreneurship is a creative activity – Said by:
a. Frederick Harbison
b. B. F. Hoselitz
c. B. Higgins
d. Joseph
Answer: d

172. What is the hallmark of a successful entrepreneur?
a. Risk bearing capacity
b. Persistence
c. Flexibility
d. Self-confidence
Answer: c

173. Which type of entrepreneurs utilizes a chance to introduce a new technique or new product?
a. Innovative entrepreneur
b. Instigated entrepreneur
c. Initiative entrepreneur
d. Fabian entrepreneur
Answer: a

Entrepreneurship Development Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download

Which type of entrepreneurship utilizes a chance to introduce a new technique or new product?

Ans. Types of entrepreneurs: (a) Innovating Entrepreneurs: An innovating entrepreneur is one who introduces new goods, inaugurates new method of production, discovers new market and reorganizes the enterprise.

What are the techniques of an entrepreneur?

5 Entrepreneurial Techniques to Drive Your Nonprofit Career.
Think strategically..
Be disruptive..
Develop a competitive advantage..
Action / Hack: Using the five bullet points above, identify your USP. ... .
Invest in yourself..
Action / Hack: Gift yourself the time to better yourself. ... .
Start your own nonprofit..

What entrepreneurs neither introduce new changes nor adopt new methods innovated by others?

While innovating entrepreneurs are creative, imitative entrepreneurs are adoptive. 3) Fabian Entrepreneurs: These entrepreneurs are traditionally bounded. They would be cautious. They neither introduce new changes nor adopt new methods innovated by others entrepreneurs.

What are the 4 types of entrepreneurship development?

Most often, the types of entrepreneurship are broken into four categories:.
small business..
scalable startups..
large company or intrapreneurship..
social entrepreneurship..