Which word feature causes red and green wave lines to appear under words as you type?


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Which word feature causes red and green wave lines to appear under words as you type?

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Which automatic feature causes red and green wavy lines to appear under words as you type? Spelling and Grammar
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____is a collection of graphic images that you can insert into a document. Clip Art
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An outline list, also called a_______list, creates list with a hierarchical structure. multilevel
A____is a large initial capital letter in a paragraph. Drop Cap

What feature causes red and green wavy lines to appear?

By default, Word automatically checks your document for spelling and grammar errors, so you may not even need to run a separate spelling and grammar check. These errors are indicated by colored wavy lines. The red line indicates a misspelled word. The green line indicates a grammatical error.

What do the red and green wavy lines under the text indicate?

The lines are for the following: Red for flagged spelling errors (or words that MS Word doesn't know). Green for flagged gramatical errors, such a subj/verb aggreement.. Blue for flagged contextual errors.

Which feature causes red and blue wavy lines to appear under words as you type group answer choices?

If spell check is turned on, Word marks misspelled words with a wavy red line and flags grammatical errors with a wavy blue line. This way, you can quickly correct misspelled words.

What does red wavy lines in word mean?

If there is a spelling mistake, the word gets underlined with a red color wavy / squiggly / zig-zag line indicating the error. For grammatical errors a wavy green line appears under the word or phrases. So, all in all, these red-green wavy underlines indicate spelling and grammar mistakes.