Which best describes the relationship of the strategic planning process to the environmental scan?


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Which best describes the relationship of the strategic planning process to the environmental scan?

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How does an organization’s adoption of the Global Reporting Initiative Standards for reporting corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance benefit HR? The standards enable comparison of different organizations' CSR performance.
Which statement exemplifies Hersey-Blanchard’s situational leadership theory? Over time individuals require a different type of direction and leadership.
What cultural layer is exemplified by the pasta dishes that are unique to Italy? Artifacts and products
How are the concepts of value and the value chain related to strategy? Value chain analysis identifies areas critical to strategic success.
What skill could most improve an HR function’s ability to manage change? Mastery of complex communication means
In addition to information technology, which other business function should HR work with when developing a "bring your own device" (BYOD) policy? Legal counsel
Which best demonstrates the development phase of the employee life cycle? A manager and an employee are working together to develop objectives and goals for the employee to attain.
Which characteristic typically distinguishes a job function as essential? Requirements for highly specialized skills
A bus. recently changed its vac. & leave policies & wants to know how emps feel about the changes. Its 500 emps. are located in locations throughout the U.S. & Europe. What survey method is likely to yield the highest response rate & the best data? Online survey
Which process clarifies performance expectations and demonstrates organizational support of individual performance improvement? Constructive discipline
An HR director has been assigned to develop a program to support the opening of new retail stores. Which step in the ADDIE process identifies the behavioral results of the program? Design
What term describes a culture that prefers training activities that spell out details and use direct and logical communication? Low-context
How does using a job evaluation to determine the relative worth of each job assist in an organization being successful? By serving as the basis for developing equitable salary structures, effective employee selection, and ongoing development
What is the primary function of an HR audit? To enhance or eliminate HR programs
Which budgeting method is being used by a manager who begins with no allocated budget and must justify allocations based on how the function will contribute to the organization's strategic goals? Zero-based budgeting
The determination that 20 new employees are needed to achieve the organizational strategy for growth in global markets is included in which phase of the workforce analysis process? Demand analysis
Which is an accurate statement about employment at-will? It is uncommon in most parts of the world.
Which best describes the influence that training has on an organization's strategic diversity and inclusion process? Creating awareness and helping develop knowledge and skills
What is the impact that a service level agreement has when an organization moves from licensing software to software as a service (SaaS)? The organization will not need to implement or customize software.
Which HR task is typically required by a multidomestic corporation? Coordinating HR activities between headquarters and the international offices
Which action would an organization take during the strategy formulation phase? Deciding on the organization's mission
Which is the most appropriate example of risk mitigation? Implementing an emergency communication system for assignees
An international organization is seeking to implement a wellness program to improve the health and well-being of its employees. Which is the best way to encourage employee participation? Provide discounts on gym memberships at gyms located near applicable organizational locations.
What best describes an employee resource group? Affinity group that can serve as a social and professional network for employees
What are the basic steps in crisis management planning and readiness? Identify risks, develop plan, test and drill, evaluate.
Which task is vital when assessing strategic objectives? Comparing the outcome of strategic initiatives to outlined metrics
What is the first step in preparing for an HR audit? Determine the scope and type of audit.
Which activity is part of the assessment and selection step of the global assignment process? Development of data-gathering instruments
HR has been approached by a manager in a host country stating that activities being conducted by an employee are different than those in the home country and must be unethical. What should HR advise as the first step for this manager? Remind the manager that just because the activities are being conducted differently does not mean that they are unethical.
A knowledge-based organization is highly decentralized, with many small offices and many employees who are highly task-oriented working remotely. Which would be the best way to measure employee attitudes in this organization? Administering a brief online survey
An organization fears that it has become less competitive. Which should an OED assessment of this issue identify? Internal and external factors that impact organizational success
Which best describes the relationship of the strategic planning process to the environmental scan? Environmental scanning is done as part of the strategic planning process.
When would a return on investment (ROI) analysis be an effective metric? When a function is seeking budget to hire new staff
What important action takes place at the end of Lewin’s change management model? The change is made a lasting part of the organization’s policies or processes.
Which of the four branches of emotional intelligence is described as the ability to capitalize on feelings to promote and inform decision making, problem solving, and other cognitive activities? Using emotion to facilitate thought
What is the process where two or more parties work together to reach an agreement on a matter? Negotiation
What is a global mindset? The ability to take an international, multidimensional perspective that is inclusive of other cultures, perspectives, and views
Which type of globalization is characterized by large numbers of emerging country populations moving abroad for better employment opportunities? The diaspora
Which HR metric provides an indication of the efficiency of the recruiting process? Days to fill
Which is the best approach that HR should recommend leaders undertake after the results of an annual employee engagement survey show a significant decline? Facilitate focus groups to gather more qualitative data.
The creation of a global compensation and benefits strategy that ignores local differences in culture is most likely to occur in what approach to global management? Ethnocentric
Which organizational structure is best described as being divided according to a linear process? Functional organization
How does replacement planning differ from succession planning? Replacement planning ensures the continuity of business operations; succession planning provides deep bench strength throughout the organization.
An org has big turnover among its writers. In exit interviews, they have dislike with work hours, a lack of recognition, & poor comm between man. & emps. How should the org incorporate the social well-being aspect in its action plan to address it? Establish a work/life program that allows flexibility.
An organization has four generations working side-by-side in the workplace. Which practice could alleviate management concerns that intergenerational tensions and a lack of camaraderie could undermine organizational success? Succession planning
What is the outcome of the arbitration process? Binding decision
How can HR minimize the risk of failure of an organization's diversity initiative? Integrating diversity into the business culture
In a conversation outside of work, an accounts payable supervisor shares with an HR professional secondhand reports about another employee's marital problems. Which approach should the HR professional take? Advise the supervisor not to engage in gossip.
How should HR use the information contained in other organizations' annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability reports when first devising their organization's sustainability strategy? Adapt general principles and guidelines to the organization's strategic focus.
If an organization's competitive advantage is cost leadership, which practice is most likely? Mass-producing product to meet general market needs
A large multinational organization is implementing an organization-wide diversity and inclusion initiative. Which practice will help the initiative succeed? Leave implementation to managers at the local and national levels, so the policy can be adjusted for local laws, norms, and traditions.
Which item would be considered an input in the input-process-output (IPO) model? Turnover data showing a steady increase in voluntary resignations in the last year
To encourage a move away from identity groups to a more conceptual perspective of diversity, Gardenswartz and Rowe discuss which four dimensions of diversity? Organizational, external, internal, and personality
What is the first step in the selection process to minimize the possibility of a bad hire? Screening all candidates
Which is a reason why an organization might be pushed into global expansion? Need for new customers
What is meant by the sustainability sweet spot? The overlapping area of the triple bottom line perspectives
What is the primary reason for developing workforce diversity programs? To enhance productivity
Which is a primary reason that causes organizations to not excel at performance management? Alignment of systems, strategies, and philosophies has not happened.
A security-conscious organization requires all new hires to complete training on security policies and conducts annual armed intruder drills for all employees. Which risk management strategies are being used by this organization? Prevention and mitigation
A beverage production bus. controls key activities in its value chain so that they can maintain uninterrupted production; this is the key to their profitability. Which actions should HR recommend man's focus on to assist in the org creating value? Implementing cross-training and job rotation strategies
According to the sender-receiver communication model (the basic communication model), what is appropriate feedback to a message from a stakeholder who expresses disagreement in a meeting with something you have said? Repeat back what the stakeholder has said to you in a different way.
An HR specialist is analyzing salary survey data for the same position across multiple, similarly sized locations to produce an average salary. Which measure will be most useful? Weighted mean
Which is a potential advantage of using Internet recruiting? Fast and effective distribution of listings
Which assessment approach would provide the deepest insight into the potential of a manager for a position of global leadership at corporate headquarters? Panel interviewing conducted by senior managers from various locations, including host-country managers
Which classification of employee engagement is demonstrated by working long hours and responding positively to engagement surveys but not feeling engaged? Transactional
Which should organizations ensure when considering the use of international translation services? Understanding and capability beyond just the translation of words
Under which circumstances would it be important for an HR manager to age data? When trying to understand the organization's current pay competitiveness and where it needs to be
What two organizational functions most typically report to the chief financial officer? Accounting and finance
What emotional challenge can HR help retained employees confront after a mass reduction in workforce? Diminished job security
Your organization needs to integrate functions and data for customer relationship management, manufacturing resource planning, finance, supply chain, and human resources. Which would be the best type of technology to implement? Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
An organization has decided to use a random drug testing program for all current employees. What should the organization do prior to implementing the program and testing employees? Verify that the proposed program complies with applicable local, state, and federal laws.
What would be an example of noise in the communication model? A speaker uses technical abbreviations that the listener does not know.
Which factor contributes to the economic cost of diversity and inclusion efforts? Increased training
An organization is interested in beginning the process of creating an ethical environment. Who has the most impact on the success of this process? Organization's leaders
Which is a good practice for implementing a code of conduct? Talk with members of the organization to better understand ethical challenges and compliance requirements.
How can factors like PESTLE analysis data have a greater impact on successful employee engagement and retention? It helps in adapting to environmental realities.
Which type of career development mobility provides meaningful career paths for professional and technical workers whose preferences may be outside traditional management roles? Dual career ladders
What pay system ties pay to the volume of the work performed by the individual? Productivity-based
Third-party contractors are best used for what types of activities? Activities that are not strategic
Performance improvement involves accurately identifying sources of unacceptable outcomes and intervening to create effective practices. Impractical or outdated procedures are an example of which type of performance problem? Process-related
Which is the proper role of a mediator in resolving an impasse in collective bargaining? Bringing the parties together to find common ground
Technology now encompasses most business activities. Which areas of HR practice can technology support? Nearly every HR functional area
An HR manager is concerned about work interruption during the upcoming flu season. How can the HR manager best deal with this risk? Arrange for on-site flu shot clinics.
In terms of risk management, what is a risk control? Measure taken to reduce the probability or severity of a threat
How are perquisites generally characterized? Goods or services provided on an individualized basis
Which part of the organization has primary responsibility for bringing in revenue? Marketing and sales
What do judgmental forecasting, trend and ratio analysis projections, and turnover analysis all assist an HR professional in predicting? Future staffing needs
Which is the purpose of a works council? Promoting communication between management and employees on issues that affect workers' interests
Which is an essential aspect of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)? Does not preclude litigation
Which action would best support an international assignee returning home after being away for more than ten years? Provide repatriation support services such as counseling and logistical support.
Which is the best way to demonstrate the impact of an organizational effectiveness and development initiative? Measuring change over the course of the initiative
Employees who are critical to an organization's success are the primary focus of which aspect of a talent management strategy? Succession planning
Which features characterize the global integration strategy? Consistency of approach and standardization of processes
How has the talent acquisition process been affected by social media? There is an increased ability to find and connect with passive candidates.
Which method is initially used to resolve disputes regarding interpretation of a clause in a current union contract? Grievance procedures

What does an OED assessment identify?

OED assess a wide body of professional development topics in order to design course offerings that are both academically rigorous and grounded in the tactical skills germane to the needs of state employees.

Which approach should HR take first to encourage better alignment between the organization and the employees in order for them to accept and sustain the new pay system?

Which approach should HR take first to encourage better alignment between the organization and the employees in order for them to accept and sustain the new pay system? Identify organizational and departmental goals, specific employee performance and behaviors, and meaningful metrics.

Which process clarifies performance expectations and demonstrates organizational support of individual performance improvement?

What type of policy clarifies performance expectations and demonstrates organizational support of individual performance improvement? Constructive discipline gives the employee an opportunity to understand expectations and change behavior. This demonstrates organizational support of performance improvement.

Which organizational structure is best described as being divided according to a linear process quizlet?

What organizational structure does this best describe? Functional organization. Departmental organization is divided according to a linear process, for example, design, supplies procurement, manufacturing, sales and marketing, distribution, and customer service.