Which of the following describes the marketing era immediately after the development of mass production assembly lines quizlet?

Terms in this set (59)

-analysis of markets to determine opportunities and challenges, and to find the information needed to make good decisions
-Helps identify what products customers have purchased in the past, what changes that made them alter what they want now, and what they might want in the future
-Conduct research on business trends, ecological impact, global trends, & more
-Listen to employees, shareholders, dealers, consumer advocates, media reps, other stakeholders

Sets found in the same folder

A firm's marketing mix refers to the combination of:

people directly involved in making marketing decisions.

goods the firm offers to different market segments.-

strategies regarding product, price, place, and promotion.

advertising media the firm utilizes to promote its products.

Terms in this set (59)

-analysis of markets to determine opportunities and challenges, and to find the information needed to make good decisions
-Helps identify what products customers have purchased in the past, what changes that made them alter what they want now, and what they might want in the future
-Conduct research on business trends, ecological impact, global trends, & more
-Listen to employees, shareholders, dealers, consumer advocates, media reps, other stakeholders

Sets with similar terms

Which marketing era began in response to the development of mass production assembly line?

The Production Era Companies began following the idea of mass production in order to reduce costs and sell more. Simply put, the sole focus was to sell, sell, sell! The Ford Motor Company's assembly line defined this era, as other companies soon followed suit and efficiency became their one and only goal.

Which time period describes the marketing era?

The marketing era, which Kotler says started around the mid-1950s, saw a fundamental shift. Instead of just trying to persuade consumers to buy the products they were making, companies focused on making products that customers wanted to buy.

Which of the following best describes the marketing era?

Which of the following best describes the marketing era? It was an era in which consumers were beginning to tire of "hard sell" tactics, so businesses began devising clever advertising and promotional campaigns.

Which of the following involves the analysis of markets to identify opportunities and challenges quizlet?

Which of the following involves the analysis of markets to identify opportunities and challenges? Correct Marketing research.