Which of the following enables supervisors to oversee the amount of computerized data an employee is processing each day?

  • Q33:

    It is most important that supervisors who choose management by objectives as a performance appraisal tool use ________. A) SMART goals B) EPM systems C) computerized notes D) graphic rating scales E) BARS-based techniques

  • Q34:

    Wilson Consulting is a management consulting firm with seventy employees.As associate vice president of marketing,Suzanne Boyle is responsible for conducting performance appraisals of the twelve employees under her direct supervision.Suzanne plans to use the critical incident method to evaluate the performance of her subordinates. Which of the following,if true,undermines the argument that the critical incident method is the most appropriate performance appraisal tool for Suzanne to use? A) Employee performance standards are closely aligned with Wilson Consulting's long-term strategic plans. B) Other departments at Wilson Consulting have seen employee performance improve as a result of providing ongoing evaluations. C) Suzanne will be conducting performance appraisals in conjunction with the HR manager to ensure EEO compliance. D) Logrolling has been an issue in the past for performance appraisals, so Wilson Consulting will be allowing employees to rate themselves. E) Due to economic difficulties, the firm will be laying off the two lowest performing employees in Suzanne's department.

  • Q35:

    The first step in developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale is to ________. A) develop performance dimensions B) generate critical incidents C) compare subordinates D) reallocate incidents E) scale incidents

  • Q36:

    Which of the following terms refers to an appraisal that is too open to interpretation? A) unclear standards B) halo effects C) leniency D) strictness E) biased

  • Q37:

    Which of the following terms refers to setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically reviewing the progress made? A) behaviorally anchored rating scale B) management by objective C) narrative form technique D) forced distribution E) critical incident

  • Q39:

    Jason is a conscientious employee,but he is viewed by most of his co-workers as unfriendly.Jason's supervisor rates him low on the traits "gets along well with others" and "quality of work." Which of the following problems has most likely affected Jason's performance appraisal? A) central tendency B) leniency C) stereotyping D) halo effect E) recency effect

  • Q40:

    Which appraisal method combines the benefits of narrative critical incidents and quantified scales by assigning scale points with specific examples of good or poor performance? A) behaviorally anchored rating scale B) constant sums rating scale C) graphic rating scale D) alternation ranking E) forced distribution

  • Q41:

    What usually occurs when employees rate themselves for performance appraisals? A) Ratings are reliable but invalid. B) Ratings are subject to halo effects. C) Logrolling leads to unrealistic ratings. D) Ratings are higher than when provided by supervisors. E) Ratings are about the same as when determined by peers.

  • Q42:

    The best way to reduce the problem of central tendency in performance appraisals is to ________. A) rank employees B) establish SMART goals C) use graphic rating scales D) limit the number of appraisals E) appraise personal characteristics

  • Q43:

    Peer appraisals have been shown to result in a(n)________. A) reduction of social loafing B) reduction of group cohesion C) decrease in task motivation D) decrease in group satisfaction E) decrease in logrolling

Which one of the following is the best way for a supervisor to correct a performance appraisal problem caused by unclear standards?

Answer and Explanation: The correct option is: C) Using descriptive phrases to illustrate traits.

Which of the following terms refers to the process of evaluating an employee's current and or past performance relative to his or her performance standards?

The correct answer is B) performance appraisal.

What is the responsibility of the supervisor during the monitoring phase of performance management?

Monitoring. The supervisor should monitor employee progress, not only when there is a progress review due, but on a continuous basis throughout the appraisal period.

Who is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee's performance?

The Immediate Supervisor – Usually in the best position to observe and evaluate the subordinate's performance and typically responsible for that person's performance. 2.