Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

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Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

1,960 solutions

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

1st EditionDavid G Myers

313 solutions

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

12th EditionPatrick J. Hurley

1,886 solutions

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

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Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

1st EditionDavid G Myers

313 solutions

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects students performance in the classroom quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

1,960 solutions

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Terms in this set (34)

Should students ever be allowed to fail at classroom tasks? If we take into account the concept of resilient self-efficacy, the answer is:

Yes. Self-efficacy is highest when students fail at a task several times in a row before accomplishing it successfully.
Yes. Occasional failures interspersed among frequent successes teach students that perseverance pays off.
No. Failure gives students the message that school is not an enjoyable place to be.
No. Even a single failure can seriously deflate students' sense of self-efficacy.

Yes. Occasional failures interspersed among frequent successes teach students that perseverance pays off.

Three of the following are accurate statements about interrelationships between affect and motivation. Which statement is not accurate?

Learners tend to be happiest when they know that events are beyond their control.
Learners sometimes become angry if they have trouble achieving important goals.
Learners are more likely to enjoy activities for which they have high self-efficacy.
Learners find interesting tasks enjoyable.

Learners tend to be happiest when they know that events are beyond their control.

If you want to promote intrinsic motivation in your students, you should:

Help them master challenging tasks
Remind them of how proud their parents will be of their achievements
Remind them of how important school grades are for getting into college
Give them lots of easy tasks to boost their sense of self-efficacy

Help them master challenging tasks

Four students in Mr. Kent's physical education class have just done poorly on the school district's physical fitness test. Which student is exhibiting a mastery goal?

Muriel gets As in all her other classes so she doesn't mind getting a C in physical education.
Patrice is very upset about her poor performance and plans to work very hard to do better next year because she doesn't want her friends to think she's a wimp.
Oliver is going to come back after class to look at his scores and ask Mr. Kent for suggestions about how to improve in his weak areas.
Robert plans to start working out this very weekend so that he'll be in better shape. Because his father is the school football coach, everyone expects Robert to excel in athletics.

Oliver is going to come back after class to look at his scores and ask Mr. Kent for suggestions about how to improve in his weak areas.

Eleven-year-old Polly has never done very well in school, in large part because of a previously undiagnosed hearing impairment that often made it difficult to understand what her teacher and classmates were saying in class. She now wears a hearing aid that enables her to hear human voices normally. Yet even when her sixth-grade teachers are certain she has the ability to complete an assigned classroom task, Polly is reluctant to do it, saying "I can't!" or simply procrastinating so much that it's impossible to complete the task in the allotted time. Simple efforts to motivate Polly, such as promising her free time to play her favorite video game on the class computer, rarely entice her into trying very hard. Which one of the following is the most likely explanation for Polly's apparent lack of motivation?

Polly has missed the sensitive period for development of motivation-that is, she has passed the three-year "window" in early childhood when intrinsic motivation emerges.
Polly is the victim of situated motivation.
The cognitive factors underlying sustained motivation (e.g., self-efficacy) take time to develop.
Physical disabilities tend to interfere with children's intrinsic motivation to learn.

The cognitive factors underlying sustained motivation (e.g., self-efficacy) take time to develop.

Which one of the following teachers is most likely to promote intrinsic motivation in his or her students?

Mr. Albert promises his students that if they all finish their short stories by Friday morning, he will give them a half an hour of free time on Friday afternoon.
Ms. Benedetti describes events in history so vividly that her students are captivated during the entire lesson.
Ms. Carlsen tells students in her algebra class that she is extremely disappointed in their performance on the last test.
Mr. Davidow sends "good news" letters home to parents whenever students have a B average or better.

Ms. Benedetti describes events in history so vividly that her students are captivated during the entire lesson.

Three of the following characterize students with a performance goal. Which one characterizes students with a mastery goal?

Looking at classmates' performance as an indication of how well they're doing
Doing something they know they'll be good at
Trying to memorize definitions word for word
Concluding that they need to work harder when they fail

Concluding that they need to work harder when they fail

Three of the following are true statements about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Which one is false?

Reminding students of the importance of good grades will promote extrinsic rather than intrinsic motivation.
Compared to students who are extrinsically motivated, students who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to learn classroom material in meaningful and effective ways.
Students' intrinsic motivation to learn school subject matter tends to decrease as they get older.
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are mutually exclusive: Students who have one cannot have the other.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are mutually exclusive: Students who have one cannot have the other.

Which one of the following best describes the concept of self-worth as a factor in motivation?

Students are always comparing their own performance to that of the adults around them.
Some adolescents believe they are invulnerable to the typical dangers of life.
Students want to believe that they can control the direction their lives take.
Students like to believe that they are competent individuals.

Students like to believe that they are competent individuals.

Marion puts off doing a project for the science fair until she has so little time to do it that she cannot possibly complete a good project. Such behavior is most consistent with the concept of:

Hot cognition
Resilient self-efficacy
A mastery goal


Virginia is 4 years old. Georgia is 14 years old. Both girls like figure skating, but neither is a very good skater. Given developmental trends in attributions, we can predict that Virginia is more likely than Georgia to believe that:

She has little or no chance of ever skating professionally.
She can become an excellent skater if she continues to work at it.
Good skating is all a matter of luck.
Professional skating is beyond the reach of all but a few very talented individuals.

She can become an excellent skater if she continues to work at it.

Which one of the following statements is most accurate about how anxiety affects learners' performance?

Anxiety is detrimental when, and only when, it leads to hot cognition.
The best way to deal with anxiety is to eliminate it. Totally relaxed individuals learn more and perform better.
High anxiety can facilitate performance on very difficult tasks, but it may get in the way when learners try to do tasks they have learned to do quickly and automatically.
A little bit of anxiety can facilitate learning and performance, and high anxiety can facilitate performance on very easy tasks.

A little bit of anxiety can facilitate learning and performance, and high anxiety can facilitate performance on very easy tasks.

Three of the following characterize students with a mastery goal. Which one characterizes students with a performance goal?

Thinking that if you have to try hard, you must not be very capable
Thinking that you're doing well as long as you're making progress, even though you're not totally successful
Seeking out your teacher's guidance when you're having trouble doing something
Being bored by easy tasks

Thinking that if you have to try hard, you must not be very capable

Ms. Simons believes that Jeremy has the ability to do much better on math tests than he is currently doing. Given the textbook's discussion of teacher attributions, how is Ms. Simons most likely to act toward Jeremy?

She'll be annoyed when he doesn't do well.
She'll express sympathy and pity when he doesn't do well.
She'll completely ignore Jeremy, in an attempt to extinguish his nonproductive behavior.
She'll model resilient self-efficacy for Jeremy.

She'll be annoyed when he doesn't do well.

Choose the teacher below who is most likely to promote a sense of self-determination in his or her students.

Ms. Andre provides several possible organizational schemes that students can use, if they wish, to organize their oral presentations.
Mr. Brooks reminds his students that the deadline for their research paper is a week from Friday.
Mr. Chambers praises his students for continuing to work quietly when he was called away from the classroom.
Ms. Dacono reminds her students, "You should know your multiplication tables by now."

Ms. Andre provides several possible organizational schemes that students can use, if they wish, to organize their oral presentations.

Frank is a good student. He attributes his success partly to studying long hours and partly to his intelligence ("It runs in the family," he says). Given what psychologists have learned about attributions, three of the following statements are likely to be accurate descriptions of Frank. Which one is probably not an accurate description?

When he is confused about class material, he is apt to give up easily.
He feels proud of his academic accomplishments.
He uses more effective learning strategies than his low-achieving classmates.
He has high self-efficacy regarding future school tasks.

When he is confused about class material, he is apt to give up easily.

Mr. Maleska has high expectations for his students' classroom performance. With this in mind, we would expect him to:
Insist on perfection in students' classwork
Work hard to help students master classroom topics
Give students little if any feedback about how they are doing
Give students more help than they really need to complete tasks successfully

Work hard to help students master classroom topics

Three of the following are common sources of debilitating anxiety for children and adolescents. Which one is least likely to provoke debilitating anxiety?

The opportunity to choose two elective courses in eighth grade
Moving to a new school midway through the school year
Reaching puberty two or three years earlier than peers
Demonstrating a difficult gymnastic skill during a test in a physical education class

The opportunity to choose two elective courses in eighth grade

Which one of the following is most likely to be a core goal?

Wanting to find a date for the senior prom
Wanting to do well in school
Looking desperately for something to drink after a strenuous workout
Trying to find a misplaced homework assignment that is due tomorrow

Wanting to do well in school

Which one of the following is the best example of a student attributing success to internal factors?

Nita has just gotten an A on her final exam in world history and is feeling very grateful to the teacher for her good grade.
Polly's teacher has just told her that she will be the group leader for her reading group next quarter. Polly is glad her teacher is in a good mood today.
Renata has just gotten a good grade on her math test and is glad that her mother got her a math tutor.
Sue Ellen has just gotten a good grade on her geography test. She is proud that she did so well and glad that she studied hard.

Sue Ellen has just gotten a good grade on her geography test. She is proud that she did so well and glad that she studied hard.

Three of the following strategies should engage students' interest in class material and foster their intrinsic motivation to learn it. Which one is least likely to do so?

Have each student read a different character's lines when the class is reading the play Our Town
Ask students to imagine what it must have been like to live in medieval England.
Show students a scientific phenomenon that isn't what they'd expect to happen given their existing beliefs about the world.
Tell students that occasional failures are probably due to circumstances beyond their control.

Tell students that occasional failures are probably due to circumstances beyond their control.

When Scott was first learning how to write, he wrote quickly and sloppily, without regard for how his papers looked. But his teachers praised him regularly for writing carefully and legibly, and eventually he began to pride himself on his neat and careful handwriting. This transition can best be described as

Acquiring an external attribution
Developing internalized motivation
Developing situational interest
Developing extrinsic motivation

Developing internalized motivation

Three of the following statements characterize students with learned helplessness. Which statement is not accurate about students with learned helplessness?

They set low goals for themselves.
They become easily discouraged when they fail.
They have little confidence in their ability to succeed.
They are usually young children rather than older children or adolescents.

They are usually young children rather than older children or adolescents.

Which one of the following is the best example of extrinsic motivation?

Enjoying scary movies
Enjoying a novel so much that you can't put it down
Thinking that aerobic exercise is a healthy way to spend your time
Wanting a good grade in your history class

Wanting a good grade in your history class

In which one of the following situations is a student attributing failure to a stable and uncontrollable factor?

Jason tells himself that he failed the last history test because the substitute teacher constructed a bad test. He expects to do better when his regular teacher returns from maternity leave.
Kami tells herself that she is getting low grades in math because, like her mom, she just isn't any good at math.
Lana thinks she was the last one chosen for the baseball team because she hadn't been practicing enough. She vows to do better next time.
Marley believes she is having trouble in music because she has been absent the last two weeks. She knows she'll have to work extra hard to catch up to her class.

Kami tells herself that she is getting low grades in math because, like her mom, she just isn't any good at math.

Which one of the following is the best example of hot cognition?

Thinking of a new strategy for solving a difficult problem
Getting excited when you read about a possible cure for leukemia
Realizing that you finally understand Einstein's law of relativity
Having a mental block that interferes with your writing ability

Getting excited when you read about a possible cure for leukemia

Jane has a high sense of self-efficacy regarding her ability to work effectively and creatively with wood. Based on this information, we would predict three of the following. Which one of the following would we not necessarily predict?

Jane will frequently choose activities that involve working with wood.
Jane will be a bit careless when she works with wood, so she will frequently make silly little mistakes.
Compared to Joan, who has low self-efficacy, Jane will do a better job at woodworking tasks.
If Jane has difficulty at a task requiring her woodworking skills, she will tend to "try, try again" until she gets it right.

Jane will be a bit careless when she works with wood, so she will frequently make silly little mistakes.

Which one of the following illustrates personal interest rather than situational interest?

Jennifer is puzzled when a peeled hardboiled egg is suddenly sucked into a bottle after the teacher lights a fire inside the bottle.
Trent gets totally wrapped up in the new adventure novel he reads during free time.
Riley can't wait to find out what's in the big cardboard box his teacher has brought to school today.
Victoria loves ballet and wants to become a ballerina when she grows up.

Victoria loves ballet and wants to become a ballerina when she grows up.

Learners often have multiple goals that they want to accomplish. Under such circumstances, they may do any three of the following. Which one are they least likely to do?
Pursue one or two goals first, leaving others to be accomplished at a later time
Redefine their ideas about what it means to achieve their goals successfully
Find activities that enable them to accomplish two or more goals simultaneously
Become so frustrated that they don't accomplish even one of their goals

Become so frustrated that they don't accomplish even one of their goals

Three of the following characterize students with a performance goal. Which one characterizes students with a mastery goal?

Looking at classmates' performance as an indication of how well they're doing
Doing something they know they'll be good at
Trying to memorize definitions word for word
Concluding that they need to work harder when they fail

Concluding that they need to work harder when they fail

Mr. Maleska has high expectations for his students' classroom performance. With this in mind, we would expect him to:

Insist on perfection in students' classwork
Work hard to help students master classroom topics
Give students little if any feedback about how they are doing
Give students more help than they really need to complete tasks successfully

Work hard to help students master classroom topics

Which one of the following is most likely to be a core goal?

Wanting to find a date for the senior prom
Wanting to do well in school
Looking desperately for something to drink after a strenuous workout
Trying to find a misplaced homework assignment that is due tomorrow

Wanting to do well in school

Three of the following are common sources of debilitating anxiety for children and adolescents. Which one is least likely to provoke debilitating anxiety?

The opportunity to choose two elective courses in eighth grade
Moving to a new school midway through the school year
Reaching puberty two or three years earlier than peers
Demonstrating a difficult gymnastic skill during a test in a physical education class

The opportunity to choose two elective courses in eighth grade

Which one of the following alternatives exemplifies situational interest rather than personal interest?

Adam finds the Guinness Book of World Records on a library shelf and is intrigued by the strange people it describes.
Blaine can't think of anything he'd rather do than play video games with his friends.
Chuck spends every weekend working on the 1951 Chevy in his garage.
Dave loves to snorkel at the beach and hopes to major in marine biology when he goes to college.

Adam finds the Guinness Book of World Records on a library shelf and is intrigued by the strange people it describes.

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