Which type of environmental scientist is likely to study the effects of chemical spills on the environment?

  • Air pollution analyst.
  • Botanist.
  • Chemist.
  • Ecologist.
  • Environmental conservation officer.
  • Environmental engineer.
  • Environmental health officer.
  • Environmentalist.

Where can I work as an environmental scientist?

Environmental scientists may be employed by federal state and territory government departments statutory authorities and local councils. They may also find employment with engineering and environmental consultants or in areas such as the minerals and energy industries or climate change research.

What does an environmental scientist study?

Environmental science explores topics like ecology geology and biology to understand environmental issues. This discipline also examines how humans impact the environment. Professionals in this field often become scientists or researchers. Others pursue environmental science careers in education law and government.

Who is environmental scientist?

Environmental scientists analyze a wide variety of environmental problems and potential solutions including alternative energy systems pollution control and natural resource management and may be employed by government industry universities or nonprofit organizations.

How do environmental scientists protect the environment?

Environmental scientists use their knowledge of earth’s systems to protect the environment and human health. They do this by cleaning up contaminated areas making policy recommendations or working with industry to reduce pollution and waste.

Is an ecologist an environmental scientist?

Although both positions involve protecting the environment they study different areas. An ecologist focuses on how species interact with each other and their habitats while an environmental scientist focuses on conservation activities like reducing pollution or waste.

What are the two main types of interactions that environmental scientists study?

the two main types of interactions that environmental scientists study are how we use natural resources and how human actions alter the environment.

Can an environmentalist be an environmental scientist?

Environmentalist Goals

An environmentalist believes in and works toward the preservation and restoration of the natural environment. … Some environmentalists are paid professionals in environmental science conservation or related fields but many are just concerned citizens advocating for sustainability.

Which type of environmental scientist is most likely to study the effects of air pollution on asthma?

Answer Expert Verified. Environmental physician is most likely to study the effects of air pollution on asthma. Environmental Physician focuses on the causes of disease in an environmental context. They not only study about air pollution but also ozone depletion and its effects on health global warming etc.

Who is a famous environmental scientist?

12 historic American environmentalists who made our wilderness all-star draft

  • Aldo Leopold: An ethical environmentalist. …
  • Mardy Murie: The grandmother of American conservation. …
  • Robert Marshall: The original mountain man. …
  • Rachel Carson: Mother of the modern environmental movement. …
  • Olaus Murie: Father of the last frontier.

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Air Pollution

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Which type of environmental scientist is likely to study the facts of chemical spills on the environment?

NTP toxicologists work to identify hazards from the chemicals or substances they are studying.

Which type of environmental scientist is most likely to study methods of water conservation and decontamination?

Both the hydrologist and the oceanographer are concerned with water pollution and decontamination.

Which type of environmental scientist is most likely to study the interactions of gorillas?

A primatologist, or a biological anthropologist, is most likely to study interactions among gorillas. Primatologists study primate behavior, ecology, intelligence, anatomy, and so forth.

What does an Ecopyschologist study?

Ecopsychology is a very new social and intellectual movement that strives to understand and harmonize people's relationship with the Earth. Ecopsychologists examine the psychological processes that bond us with and alienate us from nature.